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Megillah 16a-b: When Yosef Empowered Mordechai as the Second Jewish Primer Minister

When Yosef and His Brothers Drank as a Preparation for Purim

1 hr 24 min

17th century Painting by Jan Victors

Class Summary:

This class was presented on Thursday & Friday, Parshas Vayikra, 1 & 2 Nissan, 5780, March 26 & 27, 2020, live from Rabbi Jacobson's House in Monsey, NY 

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  • M

    Moshe -4 years ago


    1. It was sayd that we should do for others. These Corona days, all young healthy strong people are quarantining themselves, NOT for themselves, but to prevent others, i.e. the elderly,  the sick,  the immuno-compromised , etc.,from getting sick. Ditti.for closing the schools, shuls, etc. The highest level  of  tzedeka is when neither the give nor  the  recipient know each other.

    2. Some become frum  from emotion, by Breskov or Carlebach, etc..  that's. Middos.  Others become frum croll intellect/moychin that shows them what's Emes. I personally had a epiphanigmatic moment that occured in  an instant when a  Kuzari type insight and proof made me realize that  Torah was true   Mattan Torah Torah happened  etc. Emotiom played no role. A person who realizes the truth, if he is honest, especially honest with himself,  cannot forget that transformative moment. And then implement.  

    3. Even if a person is not there yet, they can appreciate the true essence of  the  truth. 

    4. Another Yosef, Jo Liebernsn, a frum yid,almost made to #2 here. Jered and  Ivanka certainly #2 now.

    5. On the issue of remaining cloistered and building high walls, or young out like Yosef and Mordechai and interacting with and even transforming the world--without compromise,  clearly Chzbad is of the latter philosophy, the Yosef and Mordechai philosophy  while other groups are like the former, like the other brothers/shvatim who retreated from  the world.

     Ironically Moshe Rabbenu was a shepherd,  secluded from the world, as were the  Avos, until he was called upon to switch philosophies.  

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  • P

    Pinchus -4 years ago

    Thank you for the beautiful shiur. I just finished listening to it. The time here in Yerushalayim now is 5:20 . Candle lighting here is at 5:20.
    Wishing you and your family a wonderful Shabbos.

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Gemarah Megillah #39

Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • March 27, 2020
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  • 2 Nisan 5780
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Dedicated by Ruben Ridderhof

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