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The Most Powerful Person, the Most Powerless Person

Who is the Greater Servant – the King or His Subject? A Meditation on the Essence of Leadership

48 min

Class Summary:

A Talmudic story about Rabbi Gamliel and Rabbi Yehoshua on a boat conveys the essence of leadership from a Jewish perspective.

King Rechavam was the son of perhaps the most popular king in Jewish history, King Solomon, yet the majority of the nation rebelled against him leading to the fragmentation of the kingdom, and the establishment of a rival kingdom.

In this class we will analyze the events leading up to this fateful split, and discover from the words of Rechavam his tragic mistake in his understanding of Jewish leadership, and conversely, what constitutes ideal Jewish leadership and kingship.

Who is the greater servant – the king or his subject? This is the great struggle of every person in a position of leadership.

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  • KK

    Kayo Kaneko -11 years ago



    I just realized my husband- will-be is like a king you discussed. He is really a chasid, deserves ira shamaim. Yet, becasue of his humble selflessness, he camouflages it. 

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  • Q

    question -13 years ago

    If indeed one has to follow the advice of the elders and not be harsh on the people (rather a servant) then how was it that precisely in Shlomo's time was the best era for the Jewish people. What did Yeravam mean that Rehavam shouldn't be so harsh like his father? Maybe the answer is that new generation is always weaker in some sense that the previous one. What do you think?

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    • A

      Anonymous -13 years ago

      Re: Shlomo
      Hi Reb Shlomo,

      It i a good question. But I guess we cannot compare Shlomo to Rechavam his son. Shlomo was a titanic personality, besides being the son of David Hamelech, appointed directly by Hashem via Shmuel the prophet. He was also a prophet, a man of great holiness and spiritual wisdom. The Jews were thus happier to submit and serve him. In the next generation, however, things had to change.

      Also, the era of Shlomo was indeed great, yet it does not mean it was perfect. This may have been one of the imperfect realities -- the heavy burdens and taxation. Even if the Jews were content and happy to serve Shlomo, this aspect may have been troubling to them even if they overlooked it for the above reasons and perhaps others.

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  • KT

    Kayo, Tokyo -14 years ago

    Barucch HaShem

    I think Jews are the same way. Jews have to be priests to G-d and to the nations of the world. To be so, Jews have to be humble, bitle to HaShem, and serve on the half of goim. In that way, Jews will be truly respected as servants of HaShem by goim and Anti-Semitism will ends.

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  • ME

    Mr. Essess -14 years ago

    Right On!
    As a business man, and leader of a company of over 30 people, I must tell you that your points, insights, and of course, the words of our holy TANACH are very true, and very powerful.
    Well said!! Thank you, and G-D bless your efforts with this site, and with your other holy endeavors!

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  • SF

    Samuel Ferdinand -14 years ago

    For 2 years b/4 my Bah Mitzvah I always wondered what it was all about as it was taught in Hebrew.. I do hope the Rabbis today explain to the childen the english traslation as this article does about Sukkos.. It would bring a lot of Jewish folks to understand their religion and bring them closer to it.. Thank you, Sam

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Class Parshas Shoftim

Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • August 17, 2009
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  • 27 Av 5769
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In honor of the birth of a son to Aryeh and Raizy Schottenstein By David and Eda Schottenstein By N'Shei Chabad of New Haven in loving memory of Chaya Tamar (Berta) bas Shabtai

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