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Day #4: Coincidence is G-d’s way of Remaining Anonymous

The Three Events Which Created Chanukah

7 min

Class Summary:

Chanukah - a Video a Day 4

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  • R

    Rachel -5 years ago

    Your message tonight brought awareness to me in how meticulous the Torah is in distinguishing different spiritual and emotional experiences. The Torah didn’t just roll the salvation into one expression. It taught me a lesson that to have real gratefulness and appreciation it has to start with living in awareness and being present to the subtlety of different experiences.

    Only then will I be able to appreciate and distinguish all the amazing chasodim that surround me day in and day out nonstop.

    That awareness might allow me to have a new perspective and begin to understand God’s love language and notice how it’s  being continuously expressed in my everyday and my every moment of life.

    That realization might perhaps open us up to a deeper and more meaningful  relationship with God.

    A relationship of love, connection and appreciation with a Father that loves us in an eternal and  unconditional love.
    Thank you so much.

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  • Anonymous -5 years ago

    Why is our gratitutude greater for nisim over niflaos and why niflaos over teshuos? (Interstingly in Modim we also say nisim then niflaos and the tovos which could correspond to the same order of gratitude. An aside what is the niflaos that happen every second?)

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    • Anonymous -5 years ago

      Alter Rebbe says in Tanya that entire physical universe is created every moment ex-nihilo (much like a movie on a screen needs the projector every moment to continue on)

      That are the niflaos we thank for, every second. 

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  • D

    Daniel -5 years ago

    Greatly enjoying your daily Chanukah video message.

    - Thank you !
    With admiration,

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  • Anonymous -5 years ago


    A small correciton: The order of the text I discussed in in the Sidur of the Shalah, the Sidur of Reb Yaakov Emdin, the Sidur of the Baal HaTanya. The order in Tur Hilchos Chanukah is like in Mesechte Sofrim ch. 20.

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Chanukah 5780 -- a Video a Day

Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • December 25, 2019
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  • 27 Kislev 5780
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Dedicated by Pascale and David Pisarevsky, in honor of our first grandson, Shai Mordechai, a new addition to the Pisarevsky family. And to his parents, our dear children, Elisheva bat Esther, and Benjamin ben Shoshana Pascale. May you enjoy only Nachat from Shai Mordechai, and may your lovely family continue to grow, with children, Torah study, and Mitzvot.
From the Pisarevsky-Sasson Parents

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