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Pesachim 15b: Gavra or Cheftza? How to View Forbidden Foods

The Debate Between Reb Meir and Reb Yosi on Contaminating Inedible Terumah

Mikveh at Masada by Bradley Howard on Flickr

Class Summary:

This class was presented on Wednesday Parshas Devarim, 6 Av, 5779, August 7, 2019 at the Ohr Chaim Shul, Monsey, NY

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  • P

    Pinchus -5 years ago

    First of all thank you.After receiving the Rov's email,I called Rav Nochum's son Rav Tzvi Partzvotitz and told him that I was in his father's (Rav Nochum's) shiur summer 1969 , and recall that Rav Nochum basically skipped the sugya of רב חנינא סגן הכהנים. Does he know the reason? He told me that I remember very well and that also in later years when the yeshiva learned מסכת פסחים Rav Nochum also skipped the sugya of ר חנינא סגן הכהנים and went to כל שעה. He said the reason was, that he felt the bochurim found the sugya of טומאה וטהרה too difficult and prefered learning about ביאור וביטול.

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  • P

    Pinchus -5 years ago

    Dear Rabbi,

    I listened to your shiur live and then spent about an hour reviewing the shiur with all the Rashi. However I still struggle to understand the מחלוקת בין רבי מאיר ורבי יוסי. I'm hoping that you'll explain it again tomorrow. Also any possibility of learning the last Rashi of the amud inside?
    Thank you. Kol Tuv.

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Gemarah Pesachim #67

Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • August 7, 2019
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  • 6 Av 5779
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Dedicated by Alan and Elizabeth Green, in memory of Daniel Aharon Green.

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