The Great Synagogue of Shklov (Belarus) Built in 1790, 17 years before this discourse was presented by the Alter Rebbe, Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Liadi, in Shklov, 1807.
Likkutei Torah Mizmor Shir Chanukas Habayis #11
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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Dedicated by Chana Tabannejad.
This class was presented on Thursday Parshas Behar, 18 Iyar, 5779, May 23, 2019 at the Ohr Chaim Shul, Monsey, NY
Likkutei Torah Mizmor Shir Chanukas Habayis #11
Rabbi YY Jacobson
Dedicated by Chana Tabannejad.
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Reb Aharon -5 years ago
Rough Summary of Shir
Th M 23 ’19 I missed first 25 minutes of the shir.
Yitzhak smelled the “begadim” of Yaakov ie the bogdim – traitor aspect
Koach of tschuva – return to your own self
L’mahla min hadaas
Medrash re: a traitor to the Romans Gave a tour of Beis Hamikdash
I made my G-d angry once and you want me to make him angry again?
Yehokum ?
Ponevezer Rav: R Kahaneman: went into the Bais HaMikdash
Min b’mino chozer …
Franz Rosenzweig, German intellectual & scholar early 1900’s
Cousin said try one Jewish experience before going away fr Yiddishkeit, Belzer shtibel by kol nidrei – was very moved
Chidushi HaRim, Toldos: Rivka knew Yaakov was good
Externally looked like Esav, Rivka needed Yaakov to be dressed up like Esav
Elaborate vs nucleus
“M’tal hashemayim” – chumash
“Rav Dagim” – Mishnah, Gemora ?
Yesod of Baal Shem Tov –a yid is a yid no matter how far
Dovid HaMelech: diff in
Tanach – mighty, warrior vs Tehillim – pious, emotional, almost meek
Shmuel 1:21 (Tehillim?) “Lo gava libi v’diimasi” “I was humble in my heart …”
Makif d’makif: hi’est that comes into the lowest of malchus
Food – eat and it’s gone – penimius – assimilated – becomes me
Clothes – wear all day – needs to fit – makif that’s tailored to one’s body
House –have all the time yet furthest away fr body – always in their home –
makif haartik – removed fr body – beyond daas
deeper “I” but hard to access
Malchus – lowest of 10 sefiros yet fr hi’est place
Power together w/powerlessness in the deepest fashion
Melech – keeps head down during daveni ng
What gives him power? Nothing! If he sees self as conduit that’s good.
Compared to moon, reflects the sun, no gaiva, selfless
Purchase a slave – master
Horyos 10: R Gamliel appointed two sages leadership vs. slavery
What’s the omek?!
Mystery of Rebbes – didn’t want leadership
Story - P 422 R Zevin
President/CEO/General etc – big change fr 1 day to next after inauguration – focuses/sharpens/all his aspects become more acute – gains a tremendous stature
Malchus – revealed in makif ‘makif – essence is brought out – rooted in kesser
(Garbage man could even be gaivadik
Stories of Rebbes running fr kavod)
Pig wallows in the mud & dung
“My should should be like sand to everyone” – fr davening
Ie unaffected by others, no ego EGO – “easing G-d out”
Lag B’Omer: Zohar Ki Sissa: 3x/year go see face of master ie HaShem
Who’s the face of HaShem? Rashbi! He wrote about himself! – self was conduit of infinity so he could write about himself – a channel for holiness
Worship – Jews don’t worship people
Kiduishis Levi Shoftim: mutar to bow t a tzaddik
Yerucham Becurim (sic): HaShem in holy chamber Who was it? R Yitzhak ben R Elazar - he has 100% bitul
Lub Rebbe: story of man wagging his finger at the Rebbe
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Reb Aharon -5 years ago
A Rebbe
By no stretch of the imagination could Rabbi Enzil of Staria be termed a sympathizer of Chassidism. One he tossed the following gibe in the direction of Reb Yehuda Zvi of Rozla. “It seems to me that to be a Chassidic rebbe is just a desire like all other desires …”
The chasidic rebbe was quick with his retort: “You are right – except that one cannot fulfill this desire before one has learned to master all one’s other desires.”
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