Arvei Pesachim #1
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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This class was presented on Thursday Parshas Pekudei, 30 Adar I, 5779, March 7, 2019 at the Ohr Chaim Shul, Monsey, NY
Arvei Pesachim #1
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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Aharon -6 years ago
Latent heat of fusion
Latent heat refers to the energy needed to change a substance into a different state of matter. This is energy that a thermometer can’t measure as heat.
Ice doesn’t immediately turn into water as soon as it warms to the melting point. Although the temperature for both ice and water can be 32 degrees Fahrenheit, transitioning from one to another takes a massive amount of energy. To turn ice into water, that’s called latent heat of fusion. When liquid turns into vapor, that’s called latent heat of vaporization.
As more heat is added to the substance, the temperature does not change. Warming ice up to 32 degrees doesn’t take too much energy, but getting all of that ice to melt takes a lot more time and energy.
While ice melts, it remains at 0 °C (32 °F), and the liquid water that is formed with the latent heat of fusion is also at 0 °C. The heat of fusion for water at 0 °C is approximately 79 calories per gram, and the heat of vaporization at 100 °C is about 533 calories per gram.
calorie: 1 calorie will raise 1 gram of water 1 degree Celsius. If 1 g of water is given 2 calories, its temperature will go up 2 degrees.
Melting ice at 0 degrees Celsius: It takes 80 calories to melt 1 gram of ice. If 1 g of ice (at 0 degrees Celsius) is given 80 calories, it will melt and the final temperature of the water will be 0.
Freezing water at 0 degrees Celsius: It also takes 80 calories to freeze 1 gram of water. If 1 g of water (at 0 degrees Celsius) gives away 80 calories, it will freeze and its final temperature will be 0.
Boiling water at 100 degrees Celsius: 540 calories are needed to turn 1 gram (at 100 degrees Celsius) of water to steam.
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Cirel -6 years ago
There is a medrash brought in Meam Loez, that according to a posuk in Mishlay, there were clouds that came from all the places that had stuff that Bnei Yisroel needed, and brought it to them. Besomim, Oil, Precious stones, could be grain for matzoh as well. But only one year did they make the korban pesach, right?
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Cirel -6 years ago
Mishlay 25
Anonim veruach yesh vegeshem ayin.
Rabaynu Bechayay
(and Tof-Yud, I don't know what those letters stand for-Name of a medrash)
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Cirel -6 years ago
Perhaps that is a midrashic answer also for the wheat.
Al pi pashtus, someone or more people did go out of the clouds to do necessary purchases.
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Eli -6 years ago
All i can say is, chaval that i don't live in Monsey.
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Moshe -6 years ago
Ah this is a geshmakeh shiddich arvey psachim and YY
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Dave -6 years ago
Rock the universe, Rabbi YY!!
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