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24,000 Judgmental Jews

When You Are Judgmental, Your Torah Is Lost

40 min

Class Summary:

This lecture was presented Lag Baomer, 5778, May 3, 2018, at a Seudas Hodah, a thanksgiving celebration, for the miraculous birth of Hadasah Miriam Klein, hosted by her parents, Ari and Naomi Klein.

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  • RR

    Rajiv R -4 years ago

    Toda Rabbah

    Shàlom Rabbi YY Jacobson... Resonates within. Åmein

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  • Anonymous -5 years ago

    My therapist sharing this with me today. I CRIED SO HARD!!
    I am so done with religious people.

    Chances are if my mom lived in those times there would have been 24,000 students plus a "seemingly devout woman" .
    Healing from religious abuse is serious stuff.
    Wish you can run support groups. It is SO NEEDED!!


    You can find the full comment as well as the origional content

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  • S

    shlomo -5 years ago

    I take issues with the reason that you’re suggesting on why the Talmidai Rav Akiva died. We in our generation are not in a position to label them as judgmental as narcissist or any of the other terms you’ve used to describe them. As troubling as it may be to understand that episode in history, we by no means have the authority or the knowledge to label them as such. 

    Taking a lesson from your speech I will not judge you as a Godol, but rather as a great speaker. 

    Please provide the source of your thinking and reasoning.
    If you are interested, I happen to have a very novel approach based on Chazal to perhaps better understand the story. 

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    • GS

      Gabriel Srour -5 years ago

      If it makes sense, then its true. Don't take it literal, take the message and enjoy it before submitting a comment thar would calm down the fire of someone who read it. want a source? then email the rabbi.

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    • GS

      Gabriel Srour -5 years ago

      Besides, he said they were narcissists as a pradigm for the stupidity of "the system".

      He's talking about the rebbes who molest their students and the fathers who shatter the feelings of their children for not letting them look good in shul. that's the narcissists he's talking about.

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    • Anonymous -5 years ago

      You're 100% right I"m with you!!!

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  • M

    Meira -5 years ago

    My therapist sharing this with me today. I CRIED SO HARD!!
    I am so done with religious ppl.

    Chances are if my mom lived in those times there wud have been 24,000 students plus on "seemingly devout woman" who really was lile the nun with the babies buried in the backyard!
    Healing from religious abuse is serious stuff.
    Wish you can run support groups. It is SO NEEDED!!

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  • Anonymous -5 years ago

    thank you

    i was by the event i remeber the speech  like yestrday ... very powerfull ..thank you 

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Lag Baomer/Seudas Hodah Lecture

Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • May 3, 2018
  • |
  • 18 Iyyar 5778
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