Women's Vayikra Class
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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Dedicatet to Rabbi Yossi Lerman from his ever-grateful student student, Eliyahu Bari
This Women's class was presented on Tuesday Parshas Vayikra, 26 Adar, 5778, March 13, 2018, at Ohr Chaim shul, Monsey, NY
Women's Vayikra Class
Rabbi YY Jacobson
Dedicatet to Rabbi Yossi Lerman from his ever-grateful student student, Eliyahu Bari
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Anonymous -6 years ago
Sacrifice or investment?
Yasher Koi'ach! A wonderful shiur as usual.
A number of points:
For example: You desire a wife. If your desire is based on the inner feeling that you want to give and create a loving relationship, then finding a wife and getting married will solve the issue that brought about the desire. But if you drink so that you don't feel the pain of not having a wife, then you are involved in an unhealthy addiction.
It is not always easy to identify the root of the desire, but if you can, this could be an easy way to determine if you should indulge a desire or run from it.
Either way, I think it is important to feel the inner desire and not repress the feeling - even if it is unhealthy. In that case, one must work on the issue to uproot the feeling.
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Terry -6 years ago
When is sacrifice foolish?
Again..a beautiful and enormously meaningful exposition of text..rhank you.
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