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The Baal HaTanya Speaks to Addicts

You May Be in the Dark, but G-d Is Drawing You to Him

43 min

Class Summary:

This shuir in a maamar of the Baal HaTanya, "Einyan Shovevim" (the weeks of Shemos-Tetzaveh) dedicated in Kabbalah to repairing issues connected to intimacy and the bris) was presented during a kumzitz farbrengen, in honor of Chaf-Daled Teves, 24 of Teves, the 205th yartziet of the Baal HaTanya, Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Liadi, the Alter Rebbe (1745-1812), with Rabbi YY Jacobson, in Monsey, NY, on Thursday, the eve of 24 Teves, 5778, January 10, 2018.

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