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Day #8: Chanukah in Auschwitz: The Ninth Flame

Igniting an Invisible Menorah in the Darkest Hell

9 min

Class Summary:

The eight episode of our Chanukah 5778, a video a day series.

Chanukah in Auschwitz: The Ninth Flame, by Rabbi YY Jacobson.

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  • SW

    Sarah WEISS -3 years ago

    Rav Jacobson,

    Concerned as I am with Holocaust and spiritual resistance and jewish education, I have been very mich impressed by this true story and the powerful way of transmitting.

    Teaching in France, I would be very interested in getting your videos with french subtitles as not many Jews understand fluently nor english nor hebrew.  It would be a great mitsva to post this series of videos with subtitles. 

    Hannuka sameah !

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  • S

    sudney -4 years ago

    My mother was in Auschwitz where she was sent with the elimination of the Lodz Ghetto.  Henry Morgentaler was there as well.  She was sent there when the Ghetto was shut down by the invaders. I listened to your presentation just now.  It all came back to me; the stories. 2020 has been a difficult time for me; not personally materially, but because of what I see happening.

    I am very familiar with virology, vaccinology,  immunology, etc.  This “pandemic” is 99 % untrue; yet it has been used to immediately manifest the changes in the  world that some saw as inevitable.  The real problems are identical to the real problems which caused WW II.  Spiritual decline resulting in materialism resulting in massive debts which can never be repaid (with no Jubilee, there always results either slavery or a depression, and a depression always results in tyranny …the Pharaoh’s dream)  The crash of 1929 ultimately resulted in the war; the crash of 2008 has resulted in world government “nuclear” response to the  “pandemic” (which by biological historical standards is actually similar to the 1968 pandemic): The government policies are being used to eliminate debt  (USD$600,000 per US Taxpayer)  and this is causing unspeakable suffering similar to what happened in the war.  E.G. Hospital capacity in North America is now declined by 30%, etc.

    I have explained this to several physicians who themselves could not grasp what is going on.  They have understood now.  It has been amazing to me how many people do not see what is happening to them and what they are doing to others; and of those who finally get it, they are “happy” just to survive: just as you said in your presentation.

    The scientists perhaps understand the chemistry, but not the human import.  (Einstein, Feynman, Oppenheimer, etc. … no difference; interestingly,  all of Jewish descent.) It is the awareness of what is underlying all this that is returning me to Judaism.  I see no other choice.

    The world is obviously rational, and I could finally find no rationale for what is happening.  The darkness in the world you have been speaking about can only have been intended … for some reason.  And while I can make up the reason intellectually, as best as I understand now, what the Lubavitcher Rebbe told me in 1970 is right: For some things we have no explanations.

    What I see happening now in the world is getting very dark; I must conclude it is here to awaken those who cannot get the message in “good” times.  Except for the blessed, learning seems to have to be imposed: at least, that has been the case with me.  יִרְאַ֣ת יְ֖הוָה רֵאשִׁ֣ית דָּ֑עַת חָכְמָ֥ה וּ֜מוּסָ֗ר אֱוִילִ֥ים בָּֽזוּ:

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  • D

    David -5 years ago

    Rabbi YY Jacobson was amazing.. He always gives me Chizuk and Food for Thought... Kol Hakavod.. May He Go May Chayil el Choyil in Gezunt.

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  • T

    Terry -7 years ago

    Day 8..Chanukah in Auschwitz

    A powerful and deeply moving testimony to all who were in Auschwitz, to the essence of Yiddishkeit and to the God who sustains us.  Thank you for this wonderful series, Rabbi Jacobson.

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  • RL

    Rabbi Leiter -7 years ago

    Chanukah Videos

    Very very nice. The whole set. Yashar koach.

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  • M

    Mimi -7 years ago

    Chanukah Video

    I would like to thank you for the video a day series this chanukah. It was a source of inspiration, uplifting, and made my chanukah more meaningful! 

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  • N

    Nechemia -7 years ago


    Beautiful, wonderful. Very powerful.

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  • ES

    Eileen Shapero -7 years ago


    Powerful story, powerful message!

    Yasher Koach Rabbi Jacobson, for all of your passion, influence and drive towards the betterment of all Jews.

    May you continue to inspire and affect Jews and non-Jews everywhere for many more decades in good health, IY'H.

    Chag Sameach!  (Eileen from Toronto, Canada)

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Chanukah 5778 -- a Video a Day

Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • December 18, 2017
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  • 30 Kislev 5778
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In honor of our parents who have done so much for us and our children, Shlomo and Andre Sasson; Yaakov and Gila Pisarevsky. May G-d grant you long, happy and healthy years.
From Pascale and David

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