Simchas Beis Hashoavah Benei Berak 2012
Sunday Morning Sukkos Shuir
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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Leilu Nishmas Reb Eliyahu Tzion ben Reb Chananya Niasoff ז״ל.
And in the merit of our partner in Torah, Yigal Yisroel ben Sofia, שיחי׳
This Sukkos class, exploring the unique and perplexing view of the Rambam on Simchas Beis Hashovah, was presented on Sukkos 5778, October 8, 2017, at Ohr Chaim, Monsey, NY
Sunday Morning Sukkos Shuir
Rabbi YY Jacobson
Leilu Nishmas Reb Eliyahu Tzion ben Reb Chananya Niasoff ז״ל.
And in the merit of our partner in Torah, Yigal Yisroel ben Sofia, שיחי׳
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AP -7 years ago
as always pearls of wisdom. And you the rabbi's simcha shel mitzva and Limud hatorah is so obviou and appropriate to this shiur...
also, I wish we can get the shiur that was said Shabbos in an essay, it was a mindblowing drasha.
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