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Laws of Muktzeh on Shabbos -- Part 2

The Five Categories of Muktzeh. Can I Move Frozen Pizza on Shabbos?

57 min

Class Summary:

Laws of Muktzeh on Shabbos -- Part 2 - The Five Categories of Muktzeh. Can I Move Frozen Pizza on Shabbos?

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  • SBK

    Sholom Ber Klein -11 years ago

    Thank you Rabbi Wineberg
    Can't wait.

    As a former talmid, these shiurim bring back fond memories of the amazing shiurim we had in smicha.

    Thank you Rabbi Wineberg, may you continue with kol tuv selah, umoo'sh.

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    • RLW

      Rabbi L Wineberg -11 years ago

      Re: Thank you Rabbi Wineberg
      Hi, Sholom Ber,

      It's good to be learning with you again.

      I'm sure that, as a graduate of the Machon, you are doing these halachos with the relevant gemorros, tur, beis yosef .........................

      No tests, though.

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  • M

    Michale -11 years ago

    Re: Technical
    It can't be on Sunday Oct. 7 because October 8 is Simcha Torah! As I understand this class was transmitted LIVE on September 9 earlier in the morning, like 4-5 am, but then the file of recording was not posted on the Web. Maybe it will be posted after Holidays.

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Levi Wineberg

  • October 21, 2012
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  • 5 Cheshvan 5773
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Dedicated by Robyn and Josh Goldhirsch
in loving memory of
Isser ben Dovid Halevi Shapiro

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