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Ayin Beis -- #3: Atzilus: Where G-d Assumes an "Identity"

What Is the World of Atzelus? Who Needs It? What Would We Be Missing Without It?

1 hr 25 min

Class Summary:

What Is the World of Atzelus? Who Needs It? What Would We Be Missing Without It? Atzilus: Where G-d Assumes an "Identity"

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  • I

    itche -12 years ago

    chasidim asked Alter Rebbe to saya maamor he told them to go to R Hillel Paricher. they said "Kli sheni enoy mevashel"

    Fits very nicely... Alter Rebbe is Atsilus his maamor is dvar hashem...

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  • B

    Berel -12 years ago

    I am struggling with something:

    This seems to be like a "game." G-d is beyond identity, He assumes identity, so that we can relate to Him, and then he hides Himself from us, so we sin, and then he punishes us...

    He gets angry at us for not listening to His words, when all these words are not really who He is, He just put Himself into such a mode in order to connect to us, but then for most of history He is angry at us.

    I don't know, there is something strange here...

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    • RL

      Rabbi L.Wineberg -12 years ago

      Re: game
      good question, but you probably had the question before you studied this ma'amar.

      moshiach is coming and all the great questions of history will be clarified for us

      in the meantime we only stand to benefit from this "game", as the effect of it is that we get close to Hashem  Himself (to be explained further in the hemshech) through Torah uMittzvos).

      Also, from our perspective, every step and level is consistent. Our actions truly produce resultls both in  this world and in the spirtual realms.It is only from Hashem's higher perspective that one could quesion the whole excercise. So since we tend to look at everything with our human eyes, let's look at this too that way.

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    • A

      Anonymous -12 years ago

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  • Y

    Yaakov -12 years ago

    Klei Sheni
    Your mataphor of keli reshon vs. keli sheni to explain atzelus vs. beya is creative but it seems to me very flawed. In the mashal, the water is the same, it is the walls that cool off the water. In beya, however, even the "or," the inner light and energy is transformed. It is not just that in Beya you have different types of "kelim," vessels, but rather even the "or," goes through a major "parsah," a major partition, which transformes it completely.

    So how can you compare it to the kelei reshon and keli sheni?

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    • RLW

      Rabbi L. Wineberg -12 years ago

      Re: Klei Sheni
      Ya'akov: the point of the moshol was that the  keilim of atzilus change the "water" of Divine energy that flows through them so that they become different in BY"A.

      It's a limited moshol for the specific topic under discussion.

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  • E

    Eli -12 years ago

    A big fan
    I did not know it was you who wrote Lessons In Tanya.  Lessons on Tanya in my opinion is the finest traslation ever done.  The language is perfect and is deep and clear.  This has been the lifeline for many of us and may G-d bless you in all matters and may you continue till 120 years of age and beyond with your teaching and writting.

    May you be inscribed and sealed for a sweet new year and I look forward to more Torah from you and your team at Yeshivah.net


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    • RLW

      Rabbi L. Wineberg -12 years ago

      Re: A big fan
      Eli;  Thanks for the appreciation, and I hope you continue to learn from the SHiurim in Tanya, as well as these.

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Levi Wineberg

  • August 14, 2012
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  • 26 Av 5772
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Dedicated by Robyn and Josh Goldhirsch- In loving memory of Shraga Feivish ben Meir Goldhirsch For his Yartzeit, 12 Elul.

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