Dedicated in the merit of Sara Rivka Bas Chaya Leah Katzman for a year of much Hatzlacha in good health and happiness and nachas from all her descendants
Class Summary:
Likutei Torah Balak Maamar Lo Hebet Aven B'Yaakov -- Part 4
please ignore previous comment How embarassing! I discovered the 'previous class' link. Problem solved.
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Chaya -12 years ago
part 4 Sorry, but did I miss part 3 somehow? I found 1 and 2 (amazing, as always, thank you!) but I can't seem to find part 3.
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Yossi Paltiel
July 18, 2012
28 Tamuz 5772
Dedicated in the merit of Sara Rivka Bas Chaya Leah Katzman for a year of much Hatzlacha in good health and happiness and nachas from all her descendants
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Chaya -12 years ago
please ignore previous comment
How embarassing! I discovered the 'previous class' link. Problem solved.
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Chaya -12 years ago
part 4
Sorry, but did I miss part 3 somehow? I found 1 and 2 (amazing, as always, thank you!) but I can't seem to find part 3.
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