Levi Garelik
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A project by Sichosonline.org
and Vaad Lehafatzas Sichos
The Story of the Daughters of Tzelafchad. How Did Moshe Not Know the Answer?
Levi Garelik
A project by Sichosonline.org
and Vaad Lehafatzas Sichos
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PRS -8 years ago
Please attach the source sheet to this page. It is not attached, although it is referenced throughout the shiur. Thank you.
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Rabbi YY Jacobson -8 years ago
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Menucha -12 years ago
ignore previous question...
... I asked the question too quickly. The rest of the class addressed my question. Great shiur. I enjoyed it.
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Menuchah -12 years ago
Nisalma halacha
Regarding the first reason you quoted for "nisalma halacha" , why is it that it was davka this question from Bnos Zlavchad that Hashem chose to conceal the answer from Moshe Rabbeinu?
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please telll -12 years ago
where can we get this music? thank you
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emunah -12 years ago
thank you rabbi for a great shiur. can you please tell us , WHERE CAN WE GET THIS MUSIC!? FABULOUS,
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Meira -12 years ago
Sorry Rabbi Levi Garelik, but I had difficult time to understand first Rushi’s explanation according which, as you say, Moses did something wrong and “G-d took him into account for his words “Bring it to me.”
It’s perfectly fine if this is PSHUTOSH HAMIKRO when Rashi makes a brief statement that needs farther clarifications.
Yes, you may negotiate barging with house seller, but you cannot compromise G-d’s words: “Now the man Moses was exceedingly humble, more than any person on the face of the earth.”
So it is impossible for Moses to be separate from G-d’s will, making himself the highest authority or putting himself in opposition to G-d’s will.
On the other hand how should he express the idea that complicated cases “HADOVER” have to be brought to him and through him to G-d? “ Bring it to US”?! Putting himself to the same level as G-d?!!
According to Ayin Beis Ayin Beis (Volume 1, Discourse 10, Chapter 40, p. 67) “Chochma, is beyond Intelligence” it roots in ATZMUS(?). Bittul is its inseparable companion and as such (here is my epiphany) may be considered as G-d’s gift together with other gifts a person gets from birth.
Sorry if I didn’t get your objectives again, but by the end of your class I understood that Moses was humble to the degree that he could become forgetful, NIS’ALMO CHALACHA, in according to G-d’s will when, for example, it was more important to teach people to listen to G-d’s word about “HADOVER” on practical level through their own action or to distinguish BANOYS TZLAVCHA and make Torah “worthy to be written through them” so MISHPOTIM would come straight from G-d. G-d's will was higher for Moses than his own Intelligence. He was humble to the point that that his subconciaouc played trick on him when it was necessary for the course... See Mitzva "to leave the forgotten sheaf for the poor"
Sorry, but how would the joke about BACHEMO, RABBI and RABBITZEN connect to the issue of this class?
Thank you for giving us a chance to use our saichal and be able to separating wheat from weed!
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Rafael -12 years ago
Wasn't Moche also implied in the others cases ?
- In the case of the megadef, Moche had killed his father;
- In the case of the mekochech, Moche was the one who explains the hilkhot chabbath.
Thank you for the answer...
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Rafael -12 years ago
Moshe implied
Excellent observation.
The answer is in brief: Nogea Badavar means that he is implied directly in the question.
Example: when Zimri came to Moshe Rabenu and asked if he can marry the midyanit, Moshe Rabinu answered no, so Zinri asked him: and who gave YOU permission to marry one?! So Moshe Rabeinu here is implied directly in the question.
However by the megadef, the fact that Moshe Rabenu killed hius father is not something which is connected to the question of what is the punishment for megadef.
Rabbi Garelik
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Anonymous -12 years ago
small correction
it is not "mysiacha.org". it is sichosonline.org.
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bracha -12 years ago
very nice kol hakovod
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