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A Seder On Shabbos?

Where Halacha and Chassidus Coverge. An Exposition of an address by the Lubavitcher Rebbe on the law when Pesach is on Shabbos

25 min

Class Summary:

A Seder On Shabbos? - Where Halacha and Chassidus Coverge. An Exposition of an address by the Lubavitcher Rebbe on the law when Pesach is on Shabbos

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  • CB

    Chaim Bochner -8 years ago

    Thanks for the beautiful shiur. What an insight and inspiration. I love you delivery too.

    One thing does bother me. The extension of the thought that there cannot be any conflicts even when baalei bechura are involved is perplexing.

    Memaile in torah, there can't be two retzonot; one saying blow a shofar, the other don't be mechalel Shabbos. Both Shabbos and Mitzvahs Shofar are given be hashem.

    But lets say intermarriage or Aishes Ish C"V, how can the Rebbe say that confict is so incomprehensible if the gemorah says how hashem laments, so to speak, that he has to create the form for mamzeirim. Same for children born via intermarriage...

    Is there any source in Torah or logic that hashem will kill all intermarried kids or all mamzeirim???

    True that this idea doesn't conflict with bechira but baalei bechira can do lots of damage. Makchishon koach shel maaloh... Chorbon Beis Hamikdash...

    If hashem wanted korbonos, why was the B"H allowed to be destroyed?

    If not for kvod haRebbe Hakodosh, I would basically divide between baalei bechira and hashems doing.

    So Pesach, Shabbos, Megillah, Shofar, Lullav, etc are all hashems work and there are no ballei bechirah involved. Conversely, intermarriage, chillul Shabbos, etc CAN happen and results are not guaranteed to fail in order to comply with rotzon atsmy; Rotzon hashem is bechirah, actually.

    Please clarify in detail.


    Chaim Bochner

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  • Y

    Yisroel -12 years ago

    Great shiur! Thank you for these timeless insights.

    Why didn't the Rebbe explain what makes Pesach different? True, on R"H and Succos we don't need the shofar and lulav, because Shabbos supplies the same effect, but how come the same is not true of Pesach?! The sicha never really addressed that essential question. 

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    • A

      Anonymous -12 years ago

      Re: Why?
      The Sicha does answer this question at the end. See in the PDF curriculum below the video for the full text of the Sicha in Yiddish. Do you understand the Yiddish text of a Sicha. Perhaps Rabbi Paltiel will grace with a synopsis?

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      • A

        Anonymous -12 years ago

        Re: Why?
         Pesach is a holiday where there is no Chometz. Now, practically this means that we remove it (and drive ourselves crazy in the process); but spiritually it means that we are above the possibility of Chometz This is why (as the Ma’amarim explain) our pre midnight Matza is like the post midnight Matza eaten in Egypt. This means that we are protected from on high. This protection is most acute when it comes to things done by accident, where we never intended to, like accidentally carrying Matza on Pesach to learn how to make a Seder. So, on the night of Pesach we won’t carry by mistake.

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  • T

    timeless -12 years ago

    your shiurim
    dear rabbi, so thankful for your shiurim, wishing there were more. i can listen to you for hours

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      Anonymous -12 years ago

      Re: your shiurim
       I thank you so much for your kind words, but wonder why you (and so many others) don’t identify yourselves. It would mean even more if I knew (unless you’re in the FBI’s Informers Protection Program) who you (and the others) were.

      Now, you can listen to me for as many hours as you could want, by visiting my own audio website “insidechassidus.org”. This sight has hundreds of hours of audio shiurim that you can download to your computer and then upload to the iPod or whatever other electronic method suits you.

      Please visit the site and enjoy.

      Please spread the word to others who may also be interested. The Shiurim are entirely free and I hope to make them available to as large an audience as possible.

      I thank you and wish you and yours a happy healthy and kosher Pesach.

      Rabbi Yossi Paltiel.

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