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The Laws of Tying Knots On Shabbos -- Part 3

May I Tie Plastic Food Bags? May I Untie My Shoelaces?

51 min

Class Summary:

The Laws of Tying Knots On Shabbos -- Part 3. May I Tie Plastic Food Bags? May I Untie My Shoelaces?

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  • Y

    yosef -12 years ago

    Beautiful story about the hiskashrus of Reb Moshe Elya !

    But how does this connect to NOT being allowed to make a kesher shel kayama on shabbos ?

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    • A

      Anonymous -12 years ago

      Re: Hiskashrus?
      Class one of this series on Koisher explained why Koisher is forbidden on Shabbos. The point in this class about Hiskashrus was, I believe, that from the Halacha of what consists a knot on Shabbos, what consists of a real "connection," we can learn what id the meaning of "Hiskashrus," on a spiritual and emotional level. In the words of Yehudah about Binyamin and Yaakov, "Nafsho Keshurah Benafsho," this was a "kesher shel kayama," both according to Rashi (eternal), and Rambam (a sophisticated knot of the highest caliber and quality).

      Remember this too: the 39 melachos were employed when constructing the Mishkan. So each of these melachos represents our Divine and holy work of using the worldly resources and building a mishkan. It is just that on Shabbos even this work is forbidden. 

      But, let us allow Rabbi Wineberg to answer for himself.

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