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Does Religion Supress the Self?

How Do You Find Serenity?

1 hr 27 min

Class Summary:

This is a text based class on Likkutei Torah Ki Tezei Maamar Ki Siyenah L'eish #2. This class was presented during the week of Pinchas 5776, July 2016, in Or Chaim, Monsey, NY. This class explores the battle between the two souls in each human, and how the path to serenity can only come through allowing the Divine soul to become the mentor for the animal soul, not the other way around. It also explores the question if religion seeks to take you away from your sense of self, or to lead you to yourself? We explore the two forms of Divine energy, that which creates and embraces diversity, and that which challenges diversity, seeking transcendental oneness.  

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  • Anonymous -1 month ago

    The Divine energy of cancer cells

    Cancer cells also have chayos from Hashem.  Why don't you mention those kinds of Divine energy?

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Likkutei Torah Ki Siyenah L'eish #2

Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • July 28, 2016
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  • 22 Tamuz 5776
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Dedicated in the loving memory of Reb Nachum ben Mayer Z"L, by his son Dr. Michael Muschel

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