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Likkutei Torah Kaitzad Merakdin #2: How To Keep a Couple Together

Why Do We Dance At Weddings? Why Do We Lift Up the Groom and Bride?

1 hr 26 min

Class Summary:

Likkutei Torah Shir HaShirim Maamar Kaitzad Merakdim #2. This class explores what is the glue and mechanism to make a marriage work. We do three things at weddings: We place the new couple under a chupah; we dance; and we lift up the chasan and kallah. It turns out, these are not only traditions, but essential ingredients for the longevity of the marriage. These classes were presented during the daily morning class by Rabbi YY Jacobson, at the Or Chaim Shul, Monsey, NY, during the week of Chukas 5776, July 2016.

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    Rabbi YY Jacobson

    • July 17, 2016
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    • 11 Tamuz 5776
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    Dedicated in the loving memory of Reb Nachum ben Mayer Z"L, by his son Dr. Michael Muschel

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