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Two Women & a Baby: The Wisdom of King Solomon

Uncovering the Subplot Behind the Famous Biblical Story of Shlomo’s Verdict

1 hr 38 min

Class Summary:

In the very first recorded decision in the history of legal jurisprudence, in the Book of Books (Kings II 3:16), we read about King Solomon's brilliance and how it endeared him at such a tender age to the entire nation of Israel, who willingly accepted him as their monarch.

Two women gave birth, one of the children died. Both women came before King Solomon, each one claiming that their child was the living one. The king decreed the child be cut in half, to which one woman agreed to give up the baby, while the other insisted on the verdict. Solomon rewarded the baby to the first woman. The Tanach says that as a result of this, the entire nation saw the Divine wisdom in the king. 

The story is filled with riddles and questions. This fascinating class analysis the thought process behind the king’s decision, the behavior of the two women, one of them obviously lying, and what so impressed the people about this decision. It also explains the story from a psychological and spiritual perspective.

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Class Ki Seitzei/Haftorah Miketz

Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • August 23, 2015
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  • 8 Elul 5775
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Leilu Nishmat Reb Eliyahu Tzion ben Reb Chananya Niasoff ז"ל 
And in the merit of our partner in Torah Yigal Yisroel ben Sofia שיחיו 

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