This radio show, with Simon and YY Jacobson, was broadcast on Motzaei Shabbos, 20 Iyar 5775, May 9, 2015. In honor of his tenth yartzeit, two children paid tribute to their father. Gershon Jacobson, and his career as a Yiddish journalist for 50 years, and editor of the Algemeiner Journal.
I just heard a replay of your show on your father ע"ה and enjoyed it very much. As one who worked very closely and was very friendly with him I can attest to everything you said about him as a very accurate description of him. I would sum him up in one word: he was UNIQUE. Although I could add more attributes to his personality that you did not elaborate, nevertheless, there was one feature of his that was glaringly omitted and that is he had an extraordinary and sophisticated SENSE OF HUMOR.
If I ever get around to write my biography I will certainly have a chapter entitled “זאכען און געששענישן וועגען דעם מענטש גרשון יעקובסון
Let me just conclude with one tidbit (that I might have once told Simon) that I heard first hand from Rabbi Simcha Elberg. As you mentioned his articles were very active in the sense that they would make others very active either by smiling, cursing and very frequently angry. Many times Rabbi Elberg would release his anger and grievances to me about an article that your father wrote that week. One time he told me that he had met with the Rebbe and mentioned his grievances he had towards your father. The Rebbe told him:
הרב עלברג, דאס איז דעם ערשטן מאהל וואס עס איז דא א במה וואו מען קען שרייבען וועגן תורה און אידישקייט ניט געשטערטערהייט. אפילו אין די פרומע צייטונגען אין אירופה האט מען נישט געקענט שרייבן פריי ווי מען קען אין אלגעמיינער זשורנאל."
I miss your father very much יהי זכרו ברוך
אברהם שמואל לוין
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א"ש -9 years ago
כוונת רבינו היתה מאד ברורה וכפי שציינת שכל העיתונים לא נתנו להכניס משהו שלא תואם הקו שלהם אבל האלגעמיינער הכניס גם דברים שהיו נגד הקו של אביך ואפילו נגד ליובאוויטש (רק שאח"כ אביך הי' שוטף אותו בעטו המושחז (משא"כ שאר העיתונים בכלל לא היו מכניסים משהו אם זה נגד הקו שלהם אפילו שיש להם האפשרות לשטוף אותו מראשו ועד רגלו אח"כ).
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Avi -9 years ago
He was a household name when I was growing up.... and it was nice to hear how you spoke about him so beautifully.... and I loved the way you dealt with talking about any controversy he had (I never knew about that)... you're a class act!
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Yaakov -9 years ago
amazing photo!!!!!!!!
ur father is very proud of u - bist ah mikusher tzum tatten - today's generation have NO idea....CHAZAK u'boruch
ur father's neshomo should have an aliya etc' etc'
simon mentioned it in his piece last week ..
this is what i commented to him..
"...20th iyar the beginning of his next journey. .
Agav the hayom yom of 20 etc Contains the toras keys to lead a successful life. . In business In everything For an ish matzliach Remain focused and with the right approach and attitude You will successfully carry through your aims etc
Agav No two people translate Ibernemen zich alike Another remez to your father a"h It needs the interpretation of a yidishist who knows what he's talking about To prove conclusively How the word is used And therefore what it means. .
No other word in the entire sefer Is unique in that way. .
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anonymous -9 years ago
Please share the story of when your father went to Egypt and the Rebbe told him several points one of which was to make many calls to high ranking diplomats.
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Rabbi YY Jacobson -9 years ago
I will in the right time Beizer Hashem. Hard to cover it all in one show...
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לוין -9 years ago
I just heard a replay of your show on your father ע"ה and enjoyed it very much. As one who worked very closely and was very friendly with him I can attest to everything you said about him as a very accurate description of him. I would sum him up in one word: he was UNIQUE. Although I could add more attributes to his personality that you did not elaborate, nevertheless, there was one feature of his that was glaringly omitted and that is he had an extraordinary and sophisticated SENSE OF HUMOR.
If I ever get around to write my biography I will certainly have a chapter entitled “זאכען און געששענישן וועגען דעם מענטש גרשון יעקובסון
Let me just conclude with one tidbit (that I might have once told Simon) that I heard first hand from Rabbi Simcha Elberg. As you mentioned his articles were very active in the sense that they would make others very active either by smiling, cursing and very frequently angry. Many times Rabbi Elberg would release his anger and grievances to me about an article that your father wrote that week. One time he told me that he had met with the Rebbe and mentioned his grievances he had towards your father. The Rebbe told him:
הרב עלברג, דאס איז דעם ערשטן מאהל וואס עס איז דא א במה וואו מען קען שרייבען וועגן תורה און אידישקייט ניט געשטערטערהייט. אפילו אין די פרומע צייטונגען אין אירופה האט מען נישט געקענט שרייבן פריי ווי מען קען אין אלגעמיינער זשורנאל."
I miss your father very much יהי זכרו ברוך
אברהם שמואל לוין
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א"ש -9 years ago
כוונת רבינו היתה מאד ברורה וכפי שציינת שכל העיתונים לא נתנו להכניס משהו שלא תואם הקו שלהם אבל האלגעמיינער הכניס גם דברים שהיו נגד הקו של אביך ואפילו נגד ליובאוויטש (רק שאח"כ אביך הי' שוטף אותו בעטו המושחז (משא"כ שאר העיתונים בכלל לא היו מכניסים משהו אם זה נגד הקו שלהם אפילו שיש להם האפשרות לשטוף אותו מראשו ועד רגלו אח"כ).
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Avi -9 years ago
He was a household name when I was growing up.... and it was nice to hear how you spoke about him so beautifully.... and I loved the way you dealt with talking about any controversy he had (I never knew about that)... you're a class act!
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Yaakov -9 years ago
amazing photo!!!!!!!!
ur father is very proud of u - bist ah mikusher tzum tatten - today's generation have NO idea....CHAZAK u'boruch
ur father's neshomo should have an aliya etc' etc'
simon mentioned it in his piece last week ..
this is what i commented to him..
"...20th iyar the beginning of his next journey. .
Agav the hayom yom of 20 etc
Contains the toras keys to lead a successful life. .
In business
In everything
For an ish matzliach
Remain focused and with the right approach and attitude
You will successfully carry through your aims etc
No two people translate
Ibernemen zich alike
Another remez to your father a"h
It needs the interpretation of a yidishist who knows what he's talking about
To prove conclusively
How the word is used
And therefore what it means. .
No other word in the entire sefer
Is unique in that way. .
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anonymous -9 years ago
Please share the story of when your father went to Egypt and the Rebbe told him several points one of which was to make many calls to high ranking diplomats.
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Rabbi YY Jacobson -9 years ago
I will in the right time Beizer Hashem. Hard to cover it all in one show...
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