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Your Hole Has a Theory in it

Using strainers and other devices on Shabbos. Conclusion of the Series (6 of 6) on the Laws of Selecting on Shabbos

46 min

Class Summary:

Using strainers and other devices on Shabbos. Conclusion of the Series (6 of 6) on the Laws of Selecting on Shabbos.

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  • E

    Esther -12 years ago

    You Leave Us Wanting
    I took in all of the beautiful classes, but I am eagerly waiting to understand two things:

    1. The connection of "borer" with a Rebbe. Two stories you shared, of the Alter Rebbe and the Rebbe Rashab, connect Borer to the very identity and mission of a Rebbe. But you left us wanting. Please transcribe here even a short, brief reference to the answer.

    2. In shul, when I come in, I see a book case of Chumashim, sometimes they are tight, can I push one aside to remove another one?

    3. Can I "select" a few seferim from a bookcase, even if I might not use one?

    4. If there is a pile of sefarim on a table, can I remove them to take a sedur or chumash on the bottom?

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  • RJ

    Reena Joseph -13 years ago

    Sorry, the sound does not work

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