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The Kabbalah of Business

A series on the Chassidic discourses of Samach Vav -- the cornerstone of Chabad Chassidus, by Rabbi Sholom Dov Ber Schneerson. Class 4 of 6

1 hr 2 min

Class Summary:

A series on the Chassidic discourses of Samach Vav -- the cornerstone of Chabad Chassidus, by Rabbi Sholom Dov Ber Schneerson. Class 4 of 6



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  • J

    Joshua -11 years ago

    levels of slave
    http://app.yesware.com/t/84..." style="font-family: arial; font-size: small; border: 0px; width: 1px; height: 1px;" />Hi Rabbi,


    Out of curiosity, re. today's Rashi in relation to the issue of two levels of slave to Hashem;

    is there any reference in Chassidus to a parallel between the two levels of slave to Ishmael and Eliezer?  Both of whom are called the slaves of Avraham and Yitzoch?  (Rashi on Ki Teitzei, 4th portion - Devarim 24:18)

    Maybe it's becuse I just learned this prtion of Samech Vav today that's making me see connections to it in Chumash, but this verse seems loaded with something I can't quite put my finger on.  



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  • TRB

    To Rabbi Braun -13 years ago

    Opps - Kabalas Ol
    Opps, there are two more places were Kabalas Ol is explained in Tanya both in the end of Chapter 42.

    1) Saying "Shmah Yisroel...Echad." In Shulchan Aruch HaRav chapter 61 Law 7 says when we say Echad we make Hashem King over the 4 corners of the world and that the primary Kabalas Malchus Shamaim is in the first verse of Shmah.

    2. When we bow in Shmone Esre, is physical Kabalas Ol.

    It turns out that every day we do grades of Kabalas Ol.

    1.General Kabalas Ol is giving our senses (eyes, ears etc) over to Hashem.(Commitment to guard the gates of our body)

    2. In "Elokay Neshama" we give our thoughts and words to Hashem in Torah and speaking directly to Hashem

    3. Before Tefilin - we give over our mind, right brain, left brain emotional brain to Hashem

    4. Before Tztzis we give our selves over to keep the Mitzvos and rules (we commit to be principal centered)

    5. In Shmah we affirm Hashem as ruler of the entire world and give our very life over

    6. When we bow in Shmone Esre we give our body over

    Regarding Yiras Chet, once we have managed to reveal Yiras Chet we actually trigger Yiras Chet before we say Mode Ani (Shulchan Aruch HaRav chapter 1 Law 5)

    Most of the Kabalas Ol comes a little latter.

    Regarding taking a deep breath to avoid getting angry. This seems to be part of the Mitvah of VeHalachta BeDerachav.

    Shulchan Aruch HaRav Chapter 156 Law 3

    מה הוא נקרא ארך אפים אף אתה היה ארך אפים

    Which lit. translates as "Long nose breath" avoiding anger.

    Since we mentioned Kabalas Ol and Yiras Chet, it is worth to mention Yiras Elokim which is connected to "opening our eyes".

    The Rebbe Rashab in Kuntres Avoda chapter 3 explains that Yiras Elokin is a slow paradigm shift, a different way of looking at the world.

    He quotes Tanya Chapter 42

    להרגיל דעתו ומחשבתו תמיד להיות קבוע בלבו ומוחו תמיד אשר כל מה שרואה בעיניו השמים והארץ ומלואה הכל הם לבושים החיצונים של המלך

    The Mitzvos are (kaviyichol) like the body of Hashem. People are like the shirt of Hashem (view posach Eliyahu) and everything else is the over coat of Hashem, so when they move it is like somebody moving his arm in his coat.

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  • S

    Shimon -13 years ago

    Re: Last shiur you told me to...
    Hi Rabbi,

    Last Shiur you told me to learn Vayedata Moskva.

    Thank you

    PS. Found an interesting understanding on "opening the eyes" to see G-dlyness

    רואה כל פרטי הנמשל בהמשל, היינו ראיית אלקות במוחש-ספר המ' תרנ''ז עמוד מט'

    ויעת מוסקבא

    Can you kindly elaborate

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  • RKO

    Re: Kabalas Ol -13 years ago

    To Rabbi Braun
    Thank you for clarifying,

    In Tanya I found Kabalos Ol 3 or 4 times

    Kabalas Ol seams to be "Certain words that you think before you actually do the Mitzvah."

    Example 1. On the second pages of Chapter 41

    How you are giving your mind to Hashem before putting on Tefilin & how you are committing your self to keep the rules of Hashem (Malchus) before putting a Talis.

    Example 2. How you are giving your thoughts to Hashem etc before Learning Torah and every hour (End of ch 41)

    Exmple 3. Leshem Yichud Kudasha....how you are committing yourself to unite the desire of Hashem in the world through Mitzvos (Middle of Chapter 41)

    Example 4: am not sure if this is Kabalas Ol but it is similar

    "Listing in your mind all the kindnesses Hashem does for you to inspire you to respond with Torah and Mitzvos

    (Tanya 46)

    In Kuntres Avoda chapter 2

    The Rebbe Rashab explains that Kabalos Ol is committing yourself to look away from not tznius. This is the reason I brought the above link. When a person looks at not Tznius they get an amygdala hijack and as the Rebbe Rashab says, they can not serve Hashem for a time.

    Kabalas Ol seems to be "Instructing your heart, or amygdala or nefesh habehmis or subconscious mind to do certain things to serve Hashem"

    Acc. to the Rebbe Rashab in Kuntras Avoda chapter 3

    Meditating very strongly on G-d in front of Whom you're standing RIGHT NOW!! is called Yiras Chet Hisbonenus that comes after the Kabalas ol.

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  • TRB

    To Rabbi Braun -13 years ago

    Kabalas Ol
    Here is a link to what perhaps is, Klipa taking over brain and a sort of Kabalas Ol to regain control


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    • A

      Anonymous -13 years ago

      Re: Kabalas Ol
      I didn't see the word "G-d" there.... (:

      Which means these might be great physiological techniques--but they're not Kabbalas Ol.

      Science's empirical observations of all sorts of secretions from all sorts of glands and stuff might be accurate, as that's what can be "seen" by the naked eye--I mean naked as described by the Alter Rebbe in Shaar HaYichud ViHa'Emuna Chapter 3 (see there); maybe it's looking through a powerful microscope, but still can only see physical reality...But what's really going on inside is a struggle of souls, and the secretions and brain flashes are just the result....

      And so Kabalas Ol is not just breathing deeply and using humor--though these might be GREAT techniques, and better than G-d forbid sinning---it's meditating very strongly on G-d in front of Whom you're standing RIGHT NOW!! (See Tanya beginning of Chapter 41 for the full length meditation)

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Shmuel Braun

  • June 2, 2011
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  • 29 Iyyar 5771
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