Yossi Paltiel
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In honor of the birthday of Chaya Chanin 12 Kislev.
May she enjoy a year of health, wealth and happiness
and give her parents and family lots of Nachas
Integrating The Polar Energies Of Esau And Jacob - Can We Channel the Intense Light of Tohu Through the Balanced Vessels of Tikkun? Studying Torah Or Maamar Vayishlach Yaakov Malachim
Yossi Paltiel
Dedicated by
In honor of the birthday of Chaya Chanin 12 Kislev.
May she enjoy a year of health, wealth and happiness
and give her parents and family lots of Nachas
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Anonymous -2 months ago
I love how Rabbi Paltiel explains maamarim!
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Eli Weber -4 years ago
Beauiful insights into the nature of polarity and balence. Love the way you weave in the stories to make things real.
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tatticanicomehome -13 years ago
mass aliyah
For many years now the Jewish State displayed tolerance toward terrorists, neglecting our most cherished doctrine that the preservation of human life reigns supreme over every other consideration. The results of our moral confusion were devastating: Thousands of innocent Jews and Arabs are now dead. And terrorists the world over learnt that they could continue their despicable work without serious consequences.How do you stop terrorism in Israel?
Perhaps the a more accurate statement should be:
For many years now the Jewish People who choose to remain in the Diaspora and "support" G-d's Palace from a "safe" distance display tolerance toward terrorists, neglecting our most cherished doctrine of doing G-d's bidding in favor that the preservation of their own, exclusive, human lifestyle reigns supreme over every other consideration; with a special focus on the complete disregard for G-d's eternal gift to His children. The results of their moral confusion are devastating: Thousands of innocent Jews and Arabs are now dead. And terrorists the world over learnt that they could continue their despicable work without serious consequences because not enough Jews care about their ancestral homeland.
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Yakov -13 years ago
But please - PLEASE, I BEG - do not use the word 'militant'. These are simple terrorists whom the leftist media glorifies by calling them 'militants'.
Thank You.
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Merely -13 years ago
Not Only Terrorists
Fantastic. I love it. Having faith in Hashem and loving your neighbour is wonderful. But when you see evil, eradicate it.
Finally a rabbi who gets it. Or does he ? It doesn't stop at suicide bombers. It includes those rabbis who were caught money laundering in New Jersey. It includes Bernie Madoff. These examples are scums that fan the flames of evil in our palace. If we do not extinguish evil amongst our own, we must remain quiet.
For better or worse, that;s my extension of the theme.
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Zvi Horovitz -13 years ago
Doing good, opposing evil
There is a paradox to all of this: the Jewish people throughout their long and tragic history and despite all the obstacles placed in their path, made profound and lasting positive contributions to humanity in every field of endeavour. Just in these past few weeks, out of the seven or eight Nobel prizes awarded, five were given to Jews. In addition, Jews have been vocal and active in the struggle to help minorities less able to defend themselves. But sadly, it seems that the more good we do, and the more active we are in the mitzva of Tikun Olam, the more it is that we draw hostility: it's a bit like the one or two kids in the class who get straight As and earn both the hatred and jealousy of the class. So the paradox is that through our achievements and strife for moral elevation we put a mirror to the face of the rest of the world and they just don't like what the reflection shows - a multitude of people have a problem with truth.
The other problem is that Jews have a short memory. For many, America is the promised land: good jobs; success in business; wonderful vacations in the Caribbean; luxurious and expensive BMWs and Mercedes; a house in the country, etc. All is well and nothing in the world can touch them. The cheques they write for the charities is commendable, but they should also learn how important it is sometime to step out of the office and learn how to hold a placard.
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rivky -14 years ago
great shiur
thank you!
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Moussia -14 years ago
OK, I'm only 5:31 into the shiur & I have a question--maybe you answer it later, but I'll fire away anyhow. You say that the lesson to be learned from the anecdote you sited, is that extremism is not good--and is frowned upon in Judaism. I agree that it isn't good. But the extremist seldom thinks his actions are extreme. You indicated that it could lead to burn-out and other symptoms, which I understand. But how do you tell the extremist to hold off; go easy; take his time--when he may not consider his actions extreme in the least? He may respond: "This all depends on how you define 'Extreme'.
I have a sibling who made an extreme detour from Judaism. And when I say extreme, I mean it! It's now about 32 years after the fact, and we're still waiting for him to "burn out" from it....
As I said, maybe you answer this later. (I'll now resume the presentation.....)
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Pinny -14 years ago
The class is inspiring, can you finish the text inside next week?
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A mother -14 years ago
Thank you!
A profound, fresh, beautiful shiur! As I strive to become more flexible and "normal," my children will be the ones to benefit.
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