Dedicated by David and Eda Schottenstein in the loving memory of: Alta Shula Swerdlov And in merit of Yetta Alta Shula, "Aliya," Schotenstein
Class Summary:
Already our Biblical forefathers in the desert, notwithstanding all of their rebellions and complaining,
knew how to be generous. As a matter of fact sometimes they even gave blindly and to contradicting
causes. The Talmud expresses this in amazement: “What is the peculiar nature of this people? When
asked to contribute to the Golden Calf, they gave, and when asked to donate to the building of the
Sanctuary they also gave!” Some people are compulsive gamblers, Jews are compulsive givers.
One of the most striking characteristics of the Jewish people is that by nature we give charity.
This is not only a religious virtue and charity for religious institutions—Jews support endless
organizations: Organizations devoted to world peace, to a greener environment, fighting cruelty to
animals, saving the whales, the Democratic Party, the UN, and countless hospitals and universities.
Where did we get the genes to give so much charity? From our father Abraham, the quintessential man
of love and kindness. Jacob gave us the talent to study Torah, Isaac—to work on ourselves, pray, and
grow inwardly, but Abraham taught us how to love and give."
A Talmudic statement alludes to a fascinating fact: even at the end of days, as the generations progress
and grow spiritually and intellectually weaker, Jews will continue to give.
This class will explore how today—more than Isaac and Jacob—Jews are characterized most by the
‘genetic’ influence of Abraham. This is also our modern mission more than anything else, to emulate his
example and learn how to love and accept each other.
EDUCAR CON EL EJEMPLO Un excelente mensaje para padres, maestros y educadore; e incluso para los líderes, a fin de aplicar respecto de sus dirigidos.
Muchas Gracias por este material tan preciado.
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Nachman Sanowicz -12 years ago
Chinuch Chinuch is a good start and maybe the whole job The Rebbe said many times that Chinuch is like an investment as much that you invest you take out..
You have to do the homework with your children everyday no exception.
The children must have a geshmak in what they learn so when they grow up they in turn instead of all the Junk out there they will spent their time in gemoro halacha chasiddus vechulu.
Parents must lead by example if the Father has a kviuus itim (Learns every day at a set time) the children have to whom to look up and they will in turn have Kvius Itim if the Parents look to invite guest and help unfortunate ones the children will follow.
Above is the basics.
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Cecilia -12 years ago
Excelente Excelente la charla y las distintas miradas de un mismo párrafo,
Es un gran aliento para los jóvenes que a veces se sienten confundidos, que comprendan
la realidad de lo que realmente están buscando, ser baalei teshuvá.
Muy buena enseñanza de la parshá!
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Natan -12 years ago
Fabuloso! Buena clase!
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Shliach -12 years ago
Thank you What a powerful Shiur. Thank you
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Elie -13 years ago
it appears the mp3 does not work it appears the mp3 does not work to download
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Anonymous -13 years ago
Re: it appears the mp3 does not work We fixed it.
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Isaac -14 years ago
to Yitzchak Shlomo That is AFTER Moshiach comes. the Rabbi was addressing the final generation of galus, of exile, beofre Moshiach comes.
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yitzchak shlomo -14 years ago
avraham sais in maseches shabat that-in the future byitzchak ikare avinu ??
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אחראי -14 years ago
להרב יהודה בוטמן נא לרשום האי מייאל שלך, ונתקשר אליך להציע איזו דרכים לתיקון הענין, כי בדרך כלל אין אנו מקבלים תלונות על זה. אגב, האם המהירות של האינטרנט שלך עובד טוב? כי הוידיאוס פה הם ברמה גבוהה ואולי זוהי הבעיה.
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Anonymous -14 years ago
Thank you so much for these parsha series!!!!!!
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יהודה בוטמן -14 years ago
לא מסוגל לראות ברצף זה כל הזמן נקטע זו בעיה שנמצאת אצלי כל הזמן ועדיין לא נפתרה מלפני כמה חודשים אשמח מאוד אם תעזרו לי בבקשה
Important message for all parents and educators!!!
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watch -14 years ago
Let's applaud this man NY Republican governor hopeful makes anti-gay remarks Paladino tells Jewish leaders he doesn't want kids "brainwashed into thinking that homosexuality is an equally valid and successful option." By ASSOCIATED PRESS
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question -14 years ago
midrash The midrash tells us that Avraham grew up in a cave, far from the wicked world around him. He recognized his creator when he was three years old, by observation and reasoning.
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Michal -14 years ago
To Jina Zadeh My suggestion: in some Word-file record yourself a name and URL of the class including a Parsha name. You can create this list for the last year and for current year together (see Home page). This site, as stands now, has only one person who performs tremendous job to improve, change and correct it. Big Thanks to him, other supporters and Rabbi for the great class.
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Eli -14 years ago
Works now. Tremendous work !
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Eli -14 years ago
Thanks guys
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jina zadeh -14 years ago
classes is there any way we could bring u the old classes. If it is ossible I would like to see all the classes as a librerary with conections to torah parasha. This way it will be easy to go back and lisen. Every week I lookforward to your vidio. Thanks
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Admin -14 years ago
To Eli We are working on it.
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eli -14 years ago
The MP3 link is not working"?
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interested listener -14 years ago
anoff the topic question bs'd
is it correct that eastern meditation can actually 'stop' the mind?
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Debra Emerson -14 years ago
Tonight's Lesson It was very good. I learned a lot that I can not write in words.
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Class Lech Lecha
Rabbi YY Jacobson
October 11, 2010
3 Cheshvan 5771
Dedicated by David and Eda Schottenstein in the loving memory of: Alta Shula Swerdlov And in merit of Yetta Alta Shula, "Aliya," Schotenstein
Please leave your comment below!
RICARDO -12 years ago
Un excelente mensaje para padres, maestros y educadore; e incluso para los líderes, a fin de aplicar respecto de sus dirigidos.
Muchas Gracias por este material tan preciado.
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Nachman Sanowicz -12 years ago
Chinuch Chinuch is a good start and maybe the whole job
The Rebbe said many times that Chinuch is like an investment as much that you invest you take out..
You have to do the homework with your children everyday no exception.
The children must have a geshmak in what they learn so when they grow up they in turn instead of all the Junk out there they will spent their time in gemoro halacha chasiddus vechulu.
Parents must lead by example if the Father has a kviuus itim (Learns every day at a set time) the children have to whom to look up and they will in turn have Kvius Itim if the Parents look to invite guest and help unfortunate ones the children will follow.
Above is the basics.
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Cecilia -12 years ago
Excelente la charla y las distintas miradas de un mismo párrafo,
Es un gran aliento para los jóvenes que a veces se sienten confundidos, que comprendan
la realidad de lo que realmente están buscando, ser baalei teshuvá.
Muy buena enseñanza de la parshá!
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Natan -12 years ago
Buena clase!
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Shliach -12 years ago
Thank you
What a powerful Shiur. Thank you
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Elie -13 years ago
it appears the mp3 does not work
it appears the mp3 does not work to download
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Anonymous -13 years ago
Re: it appears the mp3 does not work
We fixed it.
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Isaac -14 years ago
to Yitzchak Shlomo
That is AFTER Moshiach comes. the Rabbi was addressing the final generation of galus, of exile, beofre Moshiach comes.
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yitzchak shlomo -14 years ago
sais in maseches shabat that-in the future byitzchak ikare avinu ??
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אחראי -14 years ago
להרב יהודה בוטמן
נא לרשום האי מייאל שלך, ונתקשר אליך להציע איזו דרכים לתיקון הענין, כי בדרך כלל אין אנו מקבלים תלונות על זה. אגב, האם המהירות של האינטרנט שלך עובד טוב? כי הוידיאוס פה הם ברמה גבוהה ואולי זוהי הבעיה.
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Anonymous -14 years ago
Thank you so much for these parsha series!!!!!!
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יהודה בוטמן -14 years ago
לא מסוגל לראות ברצף
זה כל הזמן נקטע
זו בעיה שנמצאת אצלי כל הזמן ועדיין לא נפתרה מלפני כמה חודשים
אשמח מאוד אם תעזרו לי בבקשה
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[email protected] -14 years ago
Important message for all parents and educators!!!
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watch -14 years ago
Let's applaud this man
NY Republican governor hopeful makes anti-gay remarks
Paladino tells Jewish leaders he doesn't want kids "brainwashed into thinking that homosexuality is an equally valid and successful option."
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question -14 years ago
The midrash tells us that Avraham grew up in a cave, far from the wicked world around him. He recognized his creator when he was three years old, by observation and reasoning.
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Michal -14 years ago
To Jina Zadeh
My suggestion: in some Word-file record yourself a name and URL of the class including a Parsha name. You can create this list for the last year and for current year together (see Home page). This site, as stands now, has only one person who performs tremendous job to improve, change and correct it. Big Thanks to him, other supporters and Rabbi for the great class.
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Eli -14 years ago
Works now. Tremendous work !
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Eli -14 years ago
Thanks guys
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jina zadeh -14 years ago
is there any way we could bring u the old classes. If it is ossible I would like to see all the classes as a librerary with conections to torah parasha. This way it will be easy to go back and lisen. Every week I lookforward to your vidio. Thanks
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Admin -14 years ago
To Eli
We are working on it.
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eli -14 years ago
The MP3 link is not working"?
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interested listener -14 years ago
anoff the topic question
is it correct that eastern meditation can actually 'stop' the mind?
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Debra Emerson -14 years ago
Tonight's Lesson
It was very good. I learned a lot that I can not write in words.
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