Dedicated by THE CHANIN FUND
In honor of the birthday of
Reb Zalman Chanin
May G-d give him strength to continue his holy work in good health, wealth, and happiness with much Nachas from his family
Class Summary:
In gan eden we experience the life in a higher, less formed level down here.
Down here we experience even less, never the less somehow down here we're connected with atzmus. The mitzvos carry the entire truth.
in the old Website format, there was an option to traverse Shiurim that had multiple lessons. i do not yet see a way to do this in the new updated, more pleasant format? am i missing something?
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Yossi Paltiel
November 4, 2014
11 Cheshvan 5775
Dedicated by THE CHANIN FUND
In honor of the birthday of
Reb Zalman Chanin
May G-d give him strength to continue his holy work in good health, wealth, and happiness with much Nachas from his family
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dovid kaplan -10 years ago
in the old Website format, there was an option to traverse Shiurim that had multiple lessons. i do not yet see a way to do this in the new updated, more pleasant format? am i missing something?
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