Dedicated by THE CHANIN FUND- In honor of Yehuda Chanin. On the occasion of his birthday on the 9th of Teves.
May he grow up to be a true Chassid, Yerei Shamayim, and Lamdan and give lots of nachas to his parents; Rabbi Mendy and Chanie Chanin
Class Summary:
Hey Teves: As Long as there are Chassidim there is a Rebbe -- Part 2
Rabbi Paltiel's lecture It is always a great pleasure to listen to your lectures Rabbi Paltiel.Your personal memories bring the past to real life Thank you for sharing. And what a special plasure to be able to sit in the comfort of my home and have this 'private" session with you. Thank you Rabbi Jacobson for the Yeshiva Net to create this wonderful opportunity to learn with such ease. Chana Sharfstein
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Yossi Paltiel
December 6, 2013
3 Tevet 5774
Dedicated by THE CHANIN FUND- In honor of Yehuda Chanin. On the occasion of his birthday on the 9th of Teves.
May he grow up to be a true Chassid, Yerei Shamayim, and Lamdan and give lots of nachas to his parents; Rabbi Mendy and Chanie Chanin
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Chana Sharfstein -11 years ago
Rabbi Paltiel's lecture
It is always a great pleasure to listen to your lectures Rabbi Paltiel.Your personal memories bring the past to real life Thank you for sharing. And what a special plasure to be able to sit in the comfort of my home and have this 'private" session with you. Thank you Rabbi Jacobson for the Yeshiva Net to create this wonderful opportunity to learn with such ease. Chana Sharfstein
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