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The Laws of Writing and Erasing on Shabbos -- Part 3

Applications of Kosev at Home and in Shul

53 min

Class Summary:

The Laws of Writing and Erasing on Shabbos -- Part 3. Applications of Kosev at Home and in Shul

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  • M

    Meira -10 years ago

    Questions to Rabbi Wineberg
    Hello Rabbi,

    Thank you for your beautiful classes that you gave us.

    I have two questions that would not come to my mind unless I got new insight from your course Laws of Writing and Erasing on Shabbas. Would you please answer them:

    1. I have a ketubah in my closet that had been canceled later with GET. What should I do with it?

    2. I have The Art Scroll Tehillim and on its cover the beautiful golden letters had been erased. Hebrew words became unreadable. Is the book still kosher or should I have to buy another one?

    Thank you for all your teaching that you generously share with us at Yeshivah.net

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  • JM

    Josh McCormack -10 years ago

    Fantastic series; educational and inspiring.

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Levi Wineberg

  • November 30, 2013
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  • 27 Kislev 5774
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Dedicated by Robyn and Josh Goldhirsch In loving memory of Shraga Feivish ben Meir Goldhirsch

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