Yossi Paltiel
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Likkutei Torah Ki Karov #3
The Two Frequencies of Love – Ani and Ayin
Don’t Ask My Why I Love, Because the Love Came Before the Why
Likkutei Torah Ki Karov #2
Flatland, the Higher Dimension, and Why Emunah is a New Experience Daily
Every Morning I Get to Open Myself Up to the Frequency of Surrender and Bliss
Likkutei Torah Ki Karov #1
Rosh Hashanah as the Interface Between Infinity Beyond Time and a World of Time
How Souls, Torah and Hashem Connect on Two Frequencies: The Hidden and the Revealed
Maamar Sois Asis Class 5
Likkutei Torah Nitzavim Sois Asis #5
From Awe to Joy
Maamar Sois Asis Class 4
Likkutei Torah Nitzavim Sois Asis #4
Teshuvah as the Container for Infinity
Maamar Sois Asis Class 3
Likkutei Torah Nitzavim Sois Asis #3
Vessels for Infinity
Maamar Sois Asis Class 2
Likkutei Torah Nitzavim Sois Asis #2
Renewal of the Creation on Rosh Hashanah
Mamar Sois Asis Class 1
Likkutei Torah Nitzavim Sois Asis #1
Celebrating the Creativity of the Universe
Likkutei Torah Atem Nitzavim #5
In His Essence, G-d Bonded with Us
The Shofar--From Your Core to the Divine Core
Likkutei Torah Atem Nitzavim #3
What Does It Mean to Think of G-d's Greatness?
A Relationship with the Divine Means to Connect to the Truth of Every Reality
Likkutei Torah Atem Nitzavim # 2
What Is Real Friendship?
How Did David and Yonoson Remain Such Good Friends?
Likkutei Torah Atem Nitzavim #1
Is There a Hierarchy in Judaism?
When You Take Yourself Too Seriously, You Are Worshiping Your Ego, Not G-d
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