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The Alter Rebbe's Revolution in Tzimtzum -- Part 7

Even Within the Vacuum, the Light Remains: The Secret of "Reshemu"

57 min

Class Summary:

The Alter Rebbe's Revolution in Tzimtzum -- Part 7 - Even Within the Vacuum, the Light Remains: The Secret of "Reshemu"

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  • Z

    Zechariah -8 years ago

    Is this class going to be available again soon to listen, or is there a way to just receive the mp3?

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  • H

    hi -8 years ago

    why is "This video [still] is not available at the moment."

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  • ES

    english speaker -11 years ago

    Half of this in hebrew i can only understand a limited amount of information. So unfortunate i must stop to research a word every second. At the least i will have a vague comprehension of hebrew when i finish with these videos. 

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    • A

      Anonymous -11 years ago

      Re: confused
      Dear English speaker,

      I am truly sorry that you're having such a hard time with this series of classes.

      Permit me however, to explain why these classes are so Hebrew ladden. The classes at 'TheYeshiva.net' speak to a wide varietty of levels and interests. Some of our classes are oriented to a more 'beginner' like audience and we are usually quite careful about the hebrew being translated.

      When we undertook to this Maamar last summer, we decided that the only realistic way to do something this monumental and scholaraly work was to shoot to higher level (or more initiated) student. 

      We therefore permitted ourselves, in this series to be more typically 'Yeshivish'. 

      I wish you would keep listening and become familiar with the terms, because they will serve you well in learning additional advanced Chassidus, which is either not translated into Eglish at all or is translated in a way that requires further translating.

      No one is born knowing these words and the concepts they represent. We all needed to learn them at one point or another. So why not learn them as well, it will open up to you new worlds in Chassidus.


      Rabbi Yossi Paltiel

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Yossi Paltiel

  • June 15, 2013
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  • 7 Tamuz 5773
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Dedicated by The Chanin Fund, in honor of Rebbetzin Gittel bas Rivka Gansburg &  Menachem Mendel ben Nechama Chanin, on the occasion of their birthdays on the 7th of Tammuz

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