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Gimmel Tamuz Farbrengen: The Coal & the Flint-Stone: Two Paths In Life

1) Likkutei Sichos: 3 Ways to Protect Your Integrity in a Challenging World. 2) Maamar Zos Chukas 5721: The Tzaddik and the Baal Teshuvah. 3) The Relationship between a Rebbe & Chassidim. 4) The Power of One to Impact Many

2 hr 59 min

Class Summary:

Gimmel Tamuz Farbrengen: The Coal & the Flint-Stone: Two Paths In Life. 1) Likkutei Sichos: Three Ways to Protect Your Integrity in a Challenging World. 2) Maamar Zos Chukas 5721: The Tzaddik and the Baal Teshuvah. 3) The Relationship between a Rebbe & Chassidim. 4) The Power of One to Impact Many.

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  • ZB

    Zvi Blech -11 years ago

    Shout Out from Lakewood N.J.
    Loved it !!  Thank You !

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  • D

    dovid -11 years ago

    chasam sofer was a talmid of the baal hafloah reb pinchus hurewitz who was a talmid of the mezritcher maggid (he was in the madraga of a chadishe rebbe)

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  • B

    Bubby -11 years ago

    Piano player
    The sweet and talented boy is Rabbi Jacobson's son Mendel---who was just recently Bar Mitzvahed!

    What a delightful addition!

    Great job Mendel!!

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  • C

    Chani -11 years ago

    Who is the sweet and talented boy playing piano?

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  • D

    Degel -11 years ago

    To a young virtuoso

    Dear Mendel(i),

    Your début as an accompanist is astonishing and deserve a storm of applause! More than two hours without any sign of exertion is not so simple thing even for prominent pianists but you did it!

     What I want you to do is just imagine you are accompanying a respectful old rabbi from Poltava and holding his hand on his journey to a shule or any other place. As a young vigorous boy you can reach that place in few jumps and we admire you for that, brachot! but behold, the old fragile rabbi’s hand is in your hand and his pace is very slow and he is short of breath while talking to you on the way. What would you do? Would you give him a chance to tell you his story? Would you try to listen to his Yiddish talk? Would you pay respect to his age? Though it is not easy for you but please, when you play his Negaunee hear what your Dad says: try the best to SLOW DOWN! and listen how beautiful is the music that you play.    

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Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • June 6, 2013
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  • 28 Sivan 5773
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In honor of Yosef Aryeh Leib Ben Liba Bluma For a complete and speedy recovery. Dedicated by David and Eda Schottenstein Dedicated by Josh and Robyn Goldhirsch

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