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Yud Alef Nissan Farbrengen: What Does It Mean To Be a Chassid?

Get Past Yourself!

1 hr 3 min

Class Summary:

Yud Alef Nissan Farbrengen: What Does It Mean To Be a Chassid? Get Past Yourself!

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  • L

    LZB -10 years ago

    This is a wonderful video.  Throughout the shiur, R' Yossi speaks about the Ma'aseh hu Haikar.  However, I don't understand why fasting and saying Tehillim are sometimes not considered to be in the same category as Ma'aseh.

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    • A

      Anonymous -10 years ago

      Re: Question
      Because Maase means affecting the world around ourselves, not only correcting ourselves. In other words the greatest Hama’ase Hu HaIkar is Tzedakah (Tanya Ch. 37, 48b) because it is elevating the lowest thing in the world and time and energy put into earning it, but also because it is not about our own service to Hashem, but giving to another.

      See Ta’anis Mishna 15a, and the Gemara there 16a.

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  • H

    hi -11 years ago

    ty vn

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  • B

    Benveniste -11 years ago

    Miracle of Mezuzot

    The 23rd soul who survived the massacre lives across the street from me.He is damaged , but still works as a shamesh in a Sefardic schule in Tsfat,and puts tefillin everyday with his one good arm.


    =Dovid Halevy Benveniste

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