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Archeology Vs. Tradition: The Tzitz in Rome

Likkutei Sichos Tetzaveh

43 min

Class Summary:

Archeology Vs. Tradition: The Tzitz in Rome - Likkutei Sichos Tetzaveh

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  • L

    Levi -11 months ago

    Source sheets

    The source sheets for this class are missing. We can't follow along what he's reading. 

    please post them. 

    thanks !

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  • AB

    Avraham Bekhor -11 years ago

    Was it an Authentic one?
    Rabbi Garelik,

    I love when you speak about Rome and Italian with pride of growing up there  In the classes.(forza Italia!) 

    But you end up bashing them at the end :)  

    So it comes out that they made multiple Tzitz and sometimes the made an authentic one  in one line.(like the Rambam writes)

    So the one that Rabbi Eliezer saw was a real authentic  one that they Have made. So Is not like the Menora that was copied by the Roman or the Scrolls that were made by mistake and stored. 

    If it was not the authentic one Rabbi Eliezer would not rely on it and will not be quoted in the Talmud.

    So the one he Saw in Rome consider an archeology item then or a real one?

    2) you gave a reason why they made multiple menorah. Is there a reason Why  they made multiple Tzitz?

    (It was made out of Gold a durable material).


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      Anonymous -11 years ago

      Re: Was it an Authentic one?
      Dear Avrohom,

       As a proud Italian I only bash Tito and the ones that committed bad things against Yidishkeit….

      Yes, there are several theories of what exactly happened here, one of them is that there were several Tziz etc.

      The bottom line of the Sicha is, that what Rabbi Eliezer “saw” in Rome is no “proof” either way:

      In other words: had he seen it on the head of the Kohain Godol - yes, that would have been a proof, however, what he saw in Rome – is no proof for the Chachomim. It is only “archeological” proof.

      Although there is a possibility that the Kohain Godol may have had one (temporarily) with one line (as the Rambam writes “Bdiovad”  in order not to say that there was a Machloikes in a fact), still the Chachomim will not establish the Halocho based on the “archeological” finding.

      2. The Rebbe gives that (that they made multiple Ztziz) as one of the options, in order to save the real one from the Romans, Just like the Menora.

      Thank you for the excellent observation!  Ho imparato tanto dai miei maestri ma la maggior-parte l’ho imparata dai miei alunni….

      Rabbi Levi Y Garelik

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Levi Garelik

  • February 14, 2013
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  • 4 Adar 5773
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