Basi L'Gani 5724 #3
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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Dedicated by Shimshon and Rivky Vcherashansky in loving memory of a man who was immersed in the Rebbe's maamarim, Reb Zalman Yuda ben Reb Sholom Yeshaya Deitch z"l.
This is the third of a series of a text-based class on the Chassidic discourse, Basi Legani 5724 (1964), which was said by the Lubavitcher Rebbe 60 years ago at the Farbrengen of Motzei Shabbos Beshalach, 11 Shevat, 5724, January 25, 1964. Rabbi YY Jacobson gave this class on Monday, 27 Teves, 5784, January 8, 2024, in Bais Medrash Ohr Chaim, Monsey, NY.
Basi L'Gani 5724 #3
Rabbi YY Jacobson
Dedicated by Shimshon and Rivky Vcherashansky in loving memory of a man who was immersed in the Rebbe's maamarim, Reb Zalman Yuda ben Reb Sholom Yeshaya Deitch z"l.
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Anonymous -1 year ago
The bees do a dance to tell others where
The flowers are. But more impressive than that, as scientists have discovered by studying the bees, is that they can even communicate to each other that there are humans who can't communicate directions by dance, but rely on a gadget called GPS.
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Malky Weinstock -1 year ago
yes V'atah mechayeh es kulam ! celebrate it!
love it ! Be thankful for being maintained by Hashem miraculously!!!
What's our job? Show up and celebrate the life He is giving us !!!!
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Anonymous -1 year ago
Hashem created creations su h that He and
The fact that He created the creation is not obvious. Like a child who can say his parents didn't create him but he created himself.
What if Hashem's existence and the fact He created the creation was obvious? Then there would be no free choice and the proper exercise of free choice is the purpose of it all.
So Hashen must be hidden--but not SO hidden that He could never be found. Hidden enuf so that it's not obvious but findable by seekers. And then it's obvious!
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Malky -1 year ago
Question for Rabbi YY
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