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Faceoff with Hamas: When the Core of the Jewish Soul Is Revealed

When Defeat Is Not an Option, the Crown Jewels Are Splurged

1 hr 8 min

Class Summary:

This is the second of a series of a text-based class on the Chassidic discourse, Basi Legani 5724 (1964), which was said by the Lubavitcher Rebbe 60 years ago at the Farbrengen of Motzei Shabbos Beshalach, 11 Shevat, 5724, January 25, 1964. Rabbi YY Jacobson gave this class on Thursday, 23 Teves, 5784, January 4, 2024, in Bais Medrash Ohr Chaim, Monsey, NY.

The theme of the second class of the maamar is the deepest Divine treasures that are given to the soldiers in order to be victorious in the battle of history, to defeat hate with love, fragmentation with oneness. During faceoff with the enemy who wants to destroy the good and love in the world, the deepest chord of “netzach,” the power of the soul to triumph against diversity emerges. The class explores what are those deepest spiritual Divine “Crown Jewels,” by introducing the teaching of the Zohar that the infinite Divine light extends down to the lowest of the low.

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  • JH

    JJ Herman -1 year ago

    I’m listening to Basi Legani and I’m trying to flesh out in my mind the function of  “or”. If my understanding is correct then “or” is there to reveal essence but is not essence itself. An extension of essence also not. Is the big chidush  that even in the lowest of places we will still see revelation of essence. But, essence would be there regardless whether we see it or not. However chassidus comes to teach us that we can connect, I.e. see (can only see with light) G-ds essence in or especially in the darkest of times and places?

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  • DH

    Dini Hecht -1 year ago

    Timely. Resonant. Thank you Rabbi Jacobson.

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  • Anonymous -1 year ago

    The Zona working for the King who is

    Successful in enticing the prince is a POTENTIAL zona should the prince succumb. She is prepared to be a real zona 

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  • Anonymous -1 year ago

    Now, in the last stages of the war against

    Darkness, the most hidden and precious "jewels", chassudus is revealed. 

    Parallel to this, the country of Israel has nuclear weapons, the ultimate weapon that could send Gaza back to the stone age. 

    Yet, they chose not to use the ultimate weapon but rely on foot soldiers and pay a heavy daily price for that 

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  • Anonymous -1 year ago

    "Tzivos Hashem" is the Yidden, especially

    In war. 

    The Rebbe organized another Tzivos Hashem around 1980 by enlisting children.

    At Har Sinai we finally came up with an acceptable guarantor by offering the children as guarantors.

    So Adults rely on, benefit from, and "hide behind" the Jewish children. 

    It'll be the Jewish children that will bring the Gyula.

    So Jewish adults "hide behind" Jewish children. SPIRITUALLY. 

    Lehavdil, Hamas "hides behind" their children, but, on the dark side,  PHYSICALLY! 

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  • Anonymous -1 year ago

    The Schechina started down here, and

    Went up 7 levels cuz of each generation's sin. Then Avraham Avinu turned it around and started to bring it back down level by level with 6 further tzaddikim. Ending with Moshe Rabbeinu.  

    We have no notice that the Schechina ever went back up after that. So its here like at the starting point before it began its first ascent.

    Yet.....we are in golus. In golus with the schechina? With 85% of yidden not shomer Shabbos? 

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Basi L'Gani 5724 #2

Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • January 4, 2024
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  • 23 Tevet 5784
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Dedicated by Shimshon and Rivky Vcherashansky in loving memory of a man who was immersed in the Rebbe's maamarim, Reb Zalman Yuda ben Reb Sholom Yeshaya Deitch z"l.

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