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Israel-Hamas War: Time to Discover Our Essence

Chassidus as a Blueprint to Live with Authenticity, Oneness, Love, and Gratitude

4 hr 48 min

Class Summary:

This Yud Tes Kislev Farbrengen with Rabbi YY Jacobson took place on Motzei Shabbos Parshas Vayishlach, 19 Kislev, 5784, December 2, 2023, at Beth Midrash Ohr Chaim, Monsey, NY. Music by Choni Reis and singing by Choni Goldman.

Talk 1: How can we celebrate at a time of war? Hamas wanted to destroy our Simchas Torah, our joy and resolve. So now we need to be more Jewish, joyous, and united than ever before. The song of Padah Besholom.

Talk 2: Today the powerful idea of the Tanya has emerged—as for the true essence of every single Jew. Stories from post Simchas Torah 5784.

Talk 3: The contribution of Chassidus teaching a Jew how to live in oneness 24-7, with complete fusion between body and soul, infinity and the finite, heaven and earth.

Talk 4: The main thing of Judaism is the heart.

Talk 5: How much gratitude we ought to have. The contribution of the Alter Rebbe. What the Rebbe predicted about the security of Israel.

Talk 6: How to be a good therapist.

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  • MY

    mendel yakovson -1 year ago

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  • Anonymous -1 year ago

    איפה חלק ב

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  • Anonymous -1 year ago

    I hope I remembered accurately, but I seem to recall once, that Rav Yisroel Belsky said that HaShem is Love!  Perhaps he said that HaShem is Love for a Fellow Yid!  

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  • RH

    Rivkah h -1 year ago

    Question for Rabbi YY

    can you Pl explain what does it mean I have a light inside of me and how can I connect to it

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  • LE

    Liba Evans -1 year ago

    Question for Rabbi YY

    I know it's been asked many times before, but when is mashiach coming and how bad do things have to get first?

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    • Anonymous -2 months ago

      I wish I knew

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  • Z

    Zalmen -1 year ago

    Question for Rabbi YY

    To what extent is Tanya and Chassidus not to be misused in replacing ppl with emotional and mental hardships that should be seeking therapy and other professional Refua, or in other words, how would we reconcile this to the fact the Rayatz called the Tanya "Refuas Hanefesh". A unhealthy nefesh cannot embrace in the right way Chassidus, but on the other hand we all are a little sick (until the Geula comes), is there some guidelines to draw the lines between what can Chassidus give to enhance our emotional and mental stability and happiness vs what needs outer resources to be dealt with? Hope the question was clear enough. Thank you very much

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    • Anonymous -1 year ago

      I saw this in Yeshiva.  I felt that it was up to the mashpia to help the sick individual.  Where I observed that the mashpia consistently failed, I finally left that Yeshiva.

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      • Z

        Zalmen -1 year ago

        Once a well respected Mashpiah I had told me, when I myself began being a Young Mashpiah to Bochurim: "know your limits, when you try to fix a broken arm and you are not a doctor, and thus you make it worse, not only aren't you being helpful, you are actually a criminal". These words of his resonate in me until today. but I am still seeking guidance for guidelines and principles to use to distinguish between the two.

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        • S

          Shulim -1 year ago

          Gevaldig. If you're seeking guidance, I'd recommend something similar to what we have in the field of psychology: supervision.

          This means discussing your "cases" with an experienced mashpia whom you respect, who you think understands the distinction between therapy and mashpia-ness, and asking these questions on a case by case basis. Eventually you'll have learned some good guidelines. 

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Yud Tes Kislev 5784 Farbrengen

Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • December 2, 2023
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  • 19 Kislev 5784
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Dedicated by David and Eda Schottenstein in merit of all our brothers and sisters in the holy land, all of our revered soldiers, all of our hostages, and the entire Jewish nation

Dedicated by R' Nochum Aharon Litkowsky and family In loving memory of his dear father's 54th yartzeit on Yud-Tes Kislev, Reb Shimon ben Yisroel zt"l

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