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True Oneness Can Only Be Expressed in Radical Paradox

When You Discover that Opposing Views are All One; The Alter Rebbe’s Idea of “Endless Sefiros”

1 hr 14 min

Class Summary:

This is a text-based class on a Chassidic discourse, a Maamer, by the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Basi L'Gani 5722 (1962). This is the fifth class in the series.

This class was presented on Thursday, Parshas Bo, 4 Shevat, 5782, January 6, 2022, streaming live from Rabbi Jacobson's home in Monsey, NY.

Please leave your comment below!

  • Anonymous -3 years ago

    I want to thank Rabbi YY for his basi Lagani lectures

    Dear Rabbi YYJacobson,
    They are sometimes difficult to listen to And sometimes great.
    The part about daas and rachmim comforted me.
    I'm not sure why, but thank you.
    I have few 'mentally ill' people in my household and we are benefitting from your teachings.
    Be well

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  • MB

    Mahjabeen Baloch -3 years ago

    Fuse your diversity into your oneness beautiful thank you Rabbi

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  • DB

    Danny Bergson -3 years ago

    thank you - Now I understand why there was no questions as infinity is beyond questions!

    on serious note I feel I understand why the Rav uses the expression we are emabassadors of infinite lighht redemption hope etc (the order changes!) 

    To think we are infinite can be understood superfically and childlessly that we can be whatever we want (clearly untrue I will never run a marathon at world record speed! etc) but actually the child that feels he or she is infinite actually reflects the deeper truth "that in our limited restricted space" we are manifestations of infinity coming out through koach hagevul - this now means that from my dark spaces (mentally or physically ) with emunah peshuta I can connect/reveal this infinity which expresses itself in true simcha   -  the world is called by zohar almah deshikra because it sells us so to speak the falsehood that we are restricted finite beings.  

    the worst manifestion of limitation in machashava possibly is aethism as it cuts a person from there source and since the observable universe is finite this leads to a deep sense of despair and fatalism (even if the person tries to live with free will and responsibility there is an existential angst to living in a world you constreuct as meaningless

    The Rebbes maamar translates into an infinite hope that we can reconnect to our source and that whatever place we find ourselves trhe Hamakom is there with us.  Its a hard avodah as we keep flipping back into mochin dekatnut and sense of frustration or even victimhood but learning these maamorim (even though my brain is literally exploding ) even though it is so abstract it tocuhes a very deep place 

    Thank you Rabbi Jacobson for bringing the maamar to life with such authenticity honesty and humility (not to mention also your mastery of sifrei chassdiut to give your many students an "in" on this incredible subtely complex maamar - cant wait for  Shiur 6 (CAN you possibly go through seif 5!!)

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  • MB

    Mahjabeen Baloch -3 years ago

    Profound and very deeply spiritual Shuir Rabbi thank you so much for this class 

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  • I

    isaac -3 years ago

    comments from zoom

    ‘Othering’, is the beginning of all dangerous thinking. This would be the antidote.

    At the core of conflict is fear. Not recognizing there is a place for everyone. That Hashem has all of us held in His consciousness and a place for us all.

    Lo bechushban essentially means infinite?

    Physical Body doesn’t have free choice: does what it’s supposed to. the body of humanity has free choice: chaos ensues

    Practically: learning deep concepts like this which I don’t *really* understand, serves to calm my body and soul in this confusing world. It reminds me that it’s all from Hashem and I can let go. Paradoxically It’s very comforting.

    What do we do with all this information in our every day lives? So many abstract concepts that you are describing. Diversity, unity, GD's "characteristics", the Ohr Ein Sof, etc. Lots of paradoxes which I work on understanding everyday. Probably should listen to each of the segments over again. Maybe you can summarize it in one or two sentances for the time being. Something more relatable.

    This maamer is a treasure. It seems to be the foundation of everything. All avoda (ahavas yisroel, emunah etc) would come naturally if we could really perceive ‘reality’ through this lens. Maybe that’s the source of all struggle, that we don’t usually operate from this place. We perceive reality as we experience it, not as explained in this maamer.

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  • ER

    Esther Roos-Shalem -3 years ago

    Thank you! Gut shabbes!

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  • RP

    Rachel Pollack -3 years ago

    How does this knowledge effect us l'masah?

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    • PG

      pinchas gansbourg -3 years ago

      Listen to the Final class, where the rebbe ties it all together and translates it to our daily lives.

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  • S

    Sara -3 years ago

    What do we do with all this information

    in our every day lives? So many abstract concepts that you are describing. Diversity, unity, GD's "characteristics", the Ohr Ein Sof, etc. Lots of paradoxes which I work on understanding everyday. Probably should listen to each of the segments over again. Maybe you can summarize it in one or two sentances for the time being.

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    • S

      Sara -3 years ago

      So keep it simple? Maybe not thinking about it so much. More about feeling it?

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      • S

        Sara -3 years ago

        "Fuse Diversity with oneness"

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    • P

      Pinchas -3 years ago

      Listen to the Final class, where the rebbe ties it all together and translates it to our daily lives.

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  • Anonymous -3 years ago


    what time will it start?

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Basi L'Gani 5722 #5

Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • January 6, 2022
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  • 4 Sh'vat 5782
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Dedicated by Shimshon and Rivky Vcherashansky in loving memory of Reb Zalman Yuda ben Reb Sholom Yeshaya Deitch

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