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Ohr Ein Sof: The Alter Rebbe's Revolution

The Secret of Light: My Identity Is That I Have No Identity

1 hr 52 min

Class Summary:

This is a text-based class on a Chassidic discourse, a Maamer, by the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Basi L'Gani 5722 (1962). This is the second class in the series. This class was taught by Rabbi YY Jacobson on Sunday, 22 Teves, 5782, December 26, 2021, in Pomona, NY.

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  • Y

    Yosseleh -2 years ago


    physical light does get refracted by the atmosphere by water etc. Just like electricity in a wire 

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  • R

    Rochella -2 years ago

    Just finished to listen to part 2 Basi L’gani.
    Wow!!!!! One of the deepest maimorim…..
    It was so deep that I had to take notes. I wanted an other tool beside listening to help me grasp as much as I could of this unbelievable maimar. Wanted to get every crumb……..Just being present during this maimar put me in an altered state….. Seeing reality from a completely different perspective…. Having to renegotiate with all my truths……. Putting them under a different “light”
    Getting a glimpse of the mission of Ohr and how it behaves. …I’m a light!!! and realizing how much interference I allow into that Ohr of mine and it distance me from my Source….If I want that Ohr to shine through me I need to align with it. And create as little obstructions (ego) as possible….And then the ultimate Ohr of Azmus would be able to fuse with my Ohr?
    Thank you so much, looking forward to part 3

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  • NO

    NATE Offenberg -2 years ago

    I agree Rabbi jacobson should give a Tanya class on the first 53 chapters at least.  

    I would give $ every month via CC to hear that class.  I have heard many Tanya classes over the years but i believe yours would be on a different level.  

    Anyone else interested ?????

    Nusi Offenberg , Cleveland

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    • MJ

      Mendel Jacobs -2 years ago

      Interested as well!

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  • DB

    Danny Bergson -2 years ago

    all the shiuri, are incredible -trying to keep up with all the shuirim at same time a challenge as Rav YY Torah is flowing liek a mayan hamisgaber!

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  • Anonymous -2 years ago

    The Alter of Slabodka and the Alter Rebbe the same yesod to life

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  • A

    Aryeh -2 years ago

    An incredible shiur - a fusion of the deepest concepts of reality - physical and spiritual  (profoundly understanding and appreciating both the scientific and mystical aspects) - and this fusion launches a totally new appreciation of reality in itself!   Johannesburg, South Africa

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Maamer Basi L'gani 5722 #2

Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • December 26, 2021
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  • 22 Tevet 5782
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Dedicated by Shimshon and Rivky Vcherashansky in loving memory of Reb Zalman Yuda ben Reb Sholom Yeshaya Deitch

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