The tombstone of Rabbi Moshe David Valle, & a page of his sefer
Women's Toldos Class
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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Dedicated by Yechezkal Gutfreund for the yahrzeit of Dovid ben Yechezkal HaLevi Gutfreund
Dedicated in the merit of Reb Shmuel ben Surah Perel Neiman for a complete and speedy recovery
This weekly women's class was presented on Tuesday, Parshas Toldos, 27 Cheshvan, 5782, November 2, 2021, at Bais Medrash Ohr Chaim in Monsey, NY.
The class explores a fascinating commentary by the Italian Rabbi, Doctor and Kabalist, Reb Moshe David Vali (1697-1777) how Yitzchak's words to Eisav "you shall worship your brother" intimates the future religion of Christianity, choosing a Jew as the son of G-d, and is a sign for the times of Moshiach when the Divinity of each Jew will emerge in its full splendor.
The class discusses and explained the very delicate topic of the strange fact that Judaism attributes the name of G-d to certain human beings. How can we explain this? And what does this teach us about our lives today?
Women's Toldos Class
Rabbi YY Jacobson
Dedicated by Yechezkal Gutfreund for the yahrzeit of Dovid ben Yechezkal HaLevi Gutfreund
Dedicated in the merit of Reb Shmuel ben Surah Perel Neiman for a complete and speedy recovery
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Ziporah Zien -2 years ago
As a convert coming from, a devout Cath. family, I iterated that idea decades ago. I wanted to tell them (but I only said it in my heart ) first of all, that the honor they want to give to that guy is out of proportion to that which they owe HaKadosh Baruch Hu, but in all honesty they should see that every Jew deserves the same amount of respect in a righteous way, because the Jews were given the awesome mandate to bring the physical world to its spiritual level.
I also reprimand them and say that one of his sermons talked unjustly about the "good Samaritan", who is presented as being more righteous than a Cohen because he loves his a gentile, neighbor as himself. So my retort is, " Where is the truth of the utterance also by that guy, "Whatever you do to my brothers it is as if you had done it to me."
Feel the impact of that statement on the cath. world who pretend to 'sacrifice' that piece of cracker over and over again throughout the milennia, all the while persecuting and punishing his brothers literally to death, with such great love to spread lies and hatred?!
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Stuart-Jonathan Coleman -3 years ago
In your shiur of 27 Cheshvan you discuss the prophecy by Yitzhak that Edom/Rome will come to worship yoshke (yimakh shemo v'zikhro!).
I took an in-depth look at the pesukim Bereshit 27:39-40 and found the name of yoshke (ישו) at skips of 26 ( yud of ויאמר , shin of מושבך , vav of ואת )
This is amazing as you point to Bava Batra 75b that in the future the righteous will be called by the name of HaShem and that yoshke being (falsely) called HaShem is a forerunning to this.
26 is the gematria of yud-hei-vav-hei, and here we see the name of yoshke in these two pesukim at skips of 26!
Hope this was of interest.
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yitty -3 years ago
I was mesmerized and very inspired by this class! It was very mind-stretching and fundamental.
1. I remember learning about the issur of a yid denying that he is yid because it's an expression of denying chalila Hashem.
Also the Rambam in hilchos avodah Zara.
2. It also brings to mind the famous Chazal, Yisroel vioraiysa...
3. Perhaps an additional concept is intended here: The tremendous heroism and tenacity to stay with Hashem through impossible situations in history, is above human.
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Anonymous -3 years ago
the degeal machane afreyim ;interpets the words in the the yi ten luchu es hualokim; that yakov should aquire godliness
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David Lifschutz, MD -3 years ago
Wher can I get the page from his sefer please?
[email protected]
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Isaac -3 years ago
Here is the link to source sheets above and below the video:
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Anonymous -3 years ago
He put his DNA and all of us
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Anonymous -3 years ago
Chosen to witness to document to record chosen from the foundation of the earth to endure to the end for filling a Great Commission Beena hook Ma d a t wisdom knowledge understanding
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Judith Friedmann -3 years ago
The shiur was.....amazing !Thank you!Who blow the Shofar? Wondering?Rabbi YY would this Yid maybe have the Italian Sefer "I sette giorni della verità? I tried to find it but without success as I speak Italian I would love to read it.Thanks again.I am sometimes wondering about the 6 sons of Avrohom Ovinu...he influenced so many people and looks like it takes the right wife....Thanks for inspiring
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Anonymous -3 years ago
I have "I Sette Giorni della Verità photocopied. Contact me at [email protected]
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Baila -3 years ago
The shiur today was beyond any description… it too took our breaths away… for more than a few seconds…
Rabbi Jacobson was just that shofar today, conveying to us with such crystal clarity the loftiness of the Yid…
Awesome. May HKBH” grant Rabbi Jacobson the Koyach and wisdom to continue inspiring Klal Yisroel ad biyas goel.
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Sarah Goldberg -3 years ago
Everything is G-dly energy/light. But all creations have
Varying layers of veils, curtains and blockages.
Inanimate matter has the most blockages. Vegetation less. Animals still less. And people even less.
When one can remove the veil, the curtain, the blockage then the G-dly light/energy shines unhindered.
And when it is so removed, one can say that a person is G-d, or more accurately, one can say that the G-dly light that was always there is shining unhindered.
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Sarah Goldberg -3 years ago
R. Moshe Dovid Valle is saying that Yitzchak actually
Blessed Yakov (by mistake) to be the sole forbear of yidden as inheritors of Avraham his father and himself, but (cursing?) Esav to be the sole forbear of of the nonjewish nations.
And that the nonjews (Esav) will make a yid (Yakov) to be their G-d and eventually Moshiach.
Astonishing that Yitzhchak actually intended it to be the other way around. (But for Rivka and disguises).
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Esther Jacobs -3 years ago
Why did the time change to 12:45 ? 😕. I can only make it to the class in the morning at 9:30 or 10. I know it's recorded but I like to hear it live. Any chance to switch back to the earlier time ?
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Admin -3 years ago
The location has a lot of minyanim of shachris, so it's not available till 12:45
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