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When the Lubavitcher Rebbe Spoke about Not Giving up on Souls Buried in Rubble

When You Encounter a Person Living in a Meaningless and Crazy World, Help Him Clear the Chaos

1 hr 34 min

Class Summary:

This weekly women's class was presented on Tuesday, Parshas Pinchas, 19 Tammuz, 5781, June 29, 2021, live from Rabbi YY Jacobson's home in Monsey, NY. It happened 88 years ago, in 1932. The Lubavitcher Rebbe came from Berlin to Riga to spend Sukkos with his father-in-law, the sixth Chabad Rebbe. On Chol Hamoed, the Rebbe farbrenged all night in the Sukkah of the yeshiva. But nobody ever had a record of the words. After the Rebbe's passing in 1994, his personal journals were discovered and published as the "Reshimos." There they found the Rebbe’s transcript of that 1932 address, a major part of it dealing with the Torah laws about searching for people trapped in the rubble of a collapsed building. As the Mishna states (Yuma 83a), we never give up hope and never stop searching for anyone who might be alive. The Rebbe spent a few hours analyzing all the details of this halacha (which will be studied in the Daf Yomi this week), and then explaining it from an emotional and spiritual perspective, applying these laws to people living in a chaotic N What does it mean that a person is emotionally trapped under a collapsed building? How do we extract them? Do we ever give up? What are the signs of life we are looking for? Was the rebbe perhaps also addressing what would become his mission following the greatest catastrophe in Jewish history?

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  • Anonymous -3 years ago

    Is the word "Ironic" or just plain horrific. The day it happened, that the building collapsed was a new Day called Holocaust Remembrance Day. How many don't know or even still deny that the Holocaust  happened? Now that the last survivors of the Concentration Camps or those who were hidden or those who miraculously escaped are dying off in droves, "Who will tell our Story.?" It's the name of a movie worth looking up. Don't believe that all the Polish and European Jews were peasants in a Shtetl. A culture was almost destroyed along with a people. The Champlain Towers were witching walking distance of a Shul, near a neighborhood called BAL Harbour, Florida. My first in-laws lived there. It was not that long ago that it was "No Jews Allowed, No Italians, no blacks." We are still here. As an Attorney (not Jewish, by the way) told me recently, "EVERY JEW IS A HOLOCAUST SURVIVOR." As a young DP camp Survivor I had to think about that. I had never heard that before. But she is correct. We are still here. Baruch HaShem.

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  • Anonymous -3 years ago


    With much appreciation and awe!! So much information... so many lessons... so clear... brought down tangible!!TY

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  • BS

    Bailey Smith -3 years ago


    Every Class Or Live I Watch, Rabbi YY Gives, I Walk Away  Inspired.  

    Thank You, 


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  • Anonymous -3 years ago

    Really helpful. Thank you

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  • Anonymous -3 years ago

    Passed away in 2015 not 2005 as written erroneously above.

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Surfside Tower Collapse/Tuesday Women's Class

Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • June 29, 2021
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  • 19 Tamuz 5781
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Dedicated by our dear friends Liz and Dr. Michael Muschel, in memory of his father, HaRav Nachum ben Meir (1924-2015), for the 6th yartzeit, on 18 Tamuz.

Born in Tarnow, Poland, escaping the Germans to Siberia, he arrived in the US, and for more than 50 years headed the ASHAR Yeshiva day school in Monsey, mentoring thousands of students, inspiring hundreds of families, instilling in his disciples love for Torah, Yiddishkeit, and Israel.

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