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Why Does the Rambam Negate all the Moshiach Miracles? Part 2

If You Are Looking for the Miracle, You Missed the Point of Moshiach is that Torah Is Real

1 hr 59 min

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Why Does the Rambam Negate all the Moshiach Miracles? Part Two

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  • Anonymous -3 years ago

    If Moshiach is supposed to bring nature to it's perfect state according to Torah then how is that consistent with wild animals tearing apart other animals? Wouldn't that have to change right away.?

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  • SG

    Sarah Goldberg -3 years ago

    Techias hamaysim is not a miracle

    The original plan was eternal life. It's simply going back to the original plan before the Chait 

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  • Anonymous -3 years ago

    Does this have to do with mashiach ben yoseph and then ben David?

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  • SG

    Sarah Goldberg -3 years ago

    It's darkest just before the dawn

    After Moshiach and the final geula the nonjews will aide the yidden in keeping Torah and mitzvos.  Certainly there will no longer be any antisemitism.  

    Yet the 20th century and continuing today we see rising and increasing antisemitism.  How are we heading towards the Geula if this is so?

    It's because the night is  darkest just before the dawn. 

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  • JN

    jeffry nurenberg -3 years ago

    Moshiach is all the jewish people return to Israel and follow the entire commandments without interference from the exterior world. This is the same as now: follow the commandments but there is exterior pressure interfering with our doing so. If so why did this not take place with Bar Kochba but instead there was a primarily a war approach. There was a diaspora, there was a Jewish population with varying adherence but that was not part of the reports of that time when evaluating Bar Kochba success or not. Does Moshiach have to be successful as a military leader? Which is the determining factor? 

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  • A

    Aharon -3 years ago

    Beautiful.   We need to tell everyone in the world about this!!

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  • SG

    Sarah Goldberg -3 years ago

    When is Moshiach coming? Who is building the 3rd Beis Hamigdash?

    Different contrary opinions.

    Like all other contradictions in Torah especially Chassidus, the answer is that both are true and that there are levels. One level explains one opinion and another opinion explains the other seemingly contrary opinion.  

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  • SG

    Sarah Goldberg -3 years ago

    Wolf and lamb exists today.

    Kosher steakhouse in Manhattan 

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    • Anonymous -3 years ago


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  • SG

    Sarah Goldberg -3 years ago

    Can weapons be mere decoration?

    See the Sikh religion where they carry weapons (kirban), knives, swords, etc as part of their everyday noncombative garb. 

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  • SG

    Sarah Goldberg -3 years ago

    Hashem created the world with tests for people.

    He created Adam and Chava, gave them one mitzvah and free choice. They failed and He re-assembled the broken pieces with lower standards . At that time lions started eating lambs. 

    Later people failed again with the Tower of Bavel and the aveirahs before the Mabul. Again Hashem re-assembeled the world with yet lower standards and still free choice He then permitted people to eat lambs also. 

    Still later, yidden, by then the chosen people, failed again with the Chait Haegel.  Yet again Hashem re-assembled the world with all the details in the Torah and still free choice.  

    Twice we lost the pristine perfection when the Botei Migdash stood. Twice we went into golus. We're still there in this longest darkest golus yet.

    Today we still are largely (85% of yidden not yet frum) failing.  The proximate cause of the last golus, sinas chinam, still exists among yidden. It's no wonder nonjews still harbor anti-semitism. If yidden can't get along and sometimes despise and slander the other yid, what can be expected of a nonjew? 

    So the repeated pattern is where Hashem sets it up with rules and  a test, gives free choice to  pass or not, and gives us a yetzer Hora. And then we fail. 

    The coming of  Moshiach and the last and final Geula is just one more in a series of tests and failure and His reassembling the broken pieces. And when that happens, imminently, there will no more tests, no more failure, and the culmination of this entire project we call creation will be fulfilled.  Amein.

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  • A

    Aharon -3 years ago

    how are we going to get the fake news outlets to broadcast this news of moshiach?

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  • SG

    Sarah Goldberg -3 years ago

    Geula comes with Moshiach when it's a Torah world

    It's already a Torah world here and there. In a frum Jewish home on Shabbos with sholem bayis. It's already there when an innocent child sits and learns aleph beis. 

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  • SG

    Sarah Goldberg -3 years ago

    Moshiach will make the world a Torah world but there won't be any miracles?

    But... making the whole world a Torah world where yidden do the mitzvos and nonjews do the 7 Noahide laws, IS ITSELF A MIRACLE in the sense that it is not at all frequent.  

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  • SG

    Sarah Goldberg -3 years ago

    There won't be miracles after Moshiach comes?

    One miracle will be that the nations will not only cease their anti-semitic behavior, but they will aid the yidden sitting and learning and serving Hashem.  

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  • SG

    Sarah Goldberg -3 years ago

    There is a potential Moshiach in every generation

    If the yidden are cumulatively and collectively "zoyche", worthy, as when sinas chinam, the proximate cause of our current longest golus (which still persists as I have personally experienced) then the potential Moshiach on any generation will be revealed at Hashem's bidding.

    If prior presumptive Moshiachs failed then the generation simply wasn't zoyche to an early Geula which will happen even if we don't deserve it by the year 6000 in about 200 years. 

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  • SG

    Sarah Goldberg -3 years ago

    No change in nature? Whats nature or a miracle anyway?

    The only difference between nature and a miracle is frequency and what one is used to. 

    The first day of the mann was a miracle but by 40 years later it was natural for that generation and the sprouting of a planted seed in EY was miraculous. 

    If the only difference between nature and a miracle is frequency which is time sensitive, then from Hashem's point of view, what is  short term time and long term time is all the same for He who created and is above time. 

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  • SG

    Sarah Goldberg -3 years ago

    It's a wonder the Ramban seems to change his mind?

    Doesn't the Alter Rebbe and many other poskim change their mind as time went on, paskening differently at one time in one place and differently at another time in another time? 

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Likkutei Sichos - Rambam Hilchos Melachim #4

Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • May 30, 2021
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  • 19 Sivan 5781
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Dedicated by Gale Levin in honor of the marriage of BatSheva Brocha Levin to Dovid Elilyahu Shwarzberg. May you build a binyan adei ad illuminated by the light of Chassidus in love and harmony together. Love, Mimz and Aba

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