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Why Does the Rambam Negate all the Moshiach Miracles? Part 2

If You Are Looking for the Miracle, You Missed the Point of Moshiach is that Torah Is Real

1 hr 59 min

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Why Does the Rambam Negate all the Moshiach Miracles? Part Two

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  • Anonymous -3 years ago

    If Moshiach is supposed to bring nature to it's perfect state according to Torah then how is that consistent with wild animals tearing apart other animals? Wouldn't that have to change right away.?

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  • SG

    Sarah Goldberg -3 years ago

    Techias hamaysim is not a miracle

    The original plan was eternal life. It's simply going back to the original plan before the Chait 

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  • Anonymous -3 years ago

    Does this have to do with mashiach ben yoseph and then ben David?

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  • SG

    Sarah Goldberg -3 years ago

    It's darkest just before the dawn

    After Moshiach and the final geula the nonjews will aide the yidden in keeping Torah and mitzvos.  Certainly there will no longer be any antisemitism.  

    Yet the 20th century and continuing today we see rising and increasing antisemitism.  How are we heading towards the Geula if this is so?

    It's because the night is  darkest just before the dawn. 

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  • JN

    jeffry nurenberg -3 years ago

    Moshiach is all the jewish people return to Israel and follow the entire commandments without interference from the exterior world. This is the same as now: follow the commandments but there is exterior pressure interfering with our doing so. If so why did this not take place with Bar Kochba but instead there was a primarily a war approach. There was a diaspora, there was a Jewish population with varying adherence but that was not part of the reports of that time when evaluating Bar Kochba success or not. Does Moshiach have to be successful as a military leader? Which is the determining factor? 

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Likkutei Sichos - Rambam Hilchos Melachim #4

Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • May 30, 2021
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  • 19 Sivan 5781
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Dedicated by Gale Levin in honor of the marriage of BatSheva Brocha Levin to Dovid Elilyahu Shwarzberg. May you build a binyan adei ad illuminated by the light of Chassidus in love and harmony together. Love, Mimz and Aba

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