Toldos Women's Class
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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This women's class was presented on Tuesday, Parshas Toldos, 1 Kislev, 5781, November 17, 2020, live from Rabbi Jacobson's home in Monsey, NY
Why would you name a child “Yaakov” because he is holding on to his brother’s heel? Why would Eisav speak of tithing salt and straw, and not any other food? Why did the vision of a destroyed Beis Hamikdash inspire Yitzchak’s blessings? Why did he want to bless Eisav? Why did Yitzchak begin his blessings, “And G-d will give you,” meaning that the first giving is insufficient?
The class explores to models of leaders, mentors and teachers. It addresses to dimensions to life: when you are a student of life, and when you become a creator, finding the courage to reinvent yourself, and turning chaotic sounds into a symphony.
Toldos Women's Class
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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Yehuda -4 years ago
Bein Kach
I think it was worth mentioning regarding the story of R' Chaim thirer From chernowitz with his son,
that the name of his book is באר מיים חיים which means 'well of living water' & The fact that he "took" the 'kav' of yitzchak & that the story of his son was brought down in that book fits quite well-p.i.with all which was mentioned in the class וק״ל
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Anonymous -4 years ago
ניצן גרזי קיבוץ בית השיטה
שלום וברכה הרב
דבר ראשון תודה רבה על השעורים המדהימים הכנים והמתאימים לצורכי השעה הדור.
משפחתי ואני נהנים מאד מהשעורים (כבר כמה שנים ,מתנצל שלא שיתפנו את הבעת התודה עד עכשיו) .
לפני שבוע חשבתי ושיתפתי באחת הקבוצות את חידוש שדומה לחידוש שאמרת בשיעור לגבי אליעזר עבד אברהם "שדולה ומשקה" .שאברהם אומר להשם שאין לו יורש מלבד אליעזר שהוא דולה ומשקה מתורת רבו לאחרים. לכאורה למה מזכירים את מעלתו כאשר אברהם מסביר שהוא לא רוצה שימשיך אותו? ועוד יותר מכך, שלא רוצה שיצחק יתחתן עם בתו אלא שאליעזר ילך ויביא ליצחק את רבקה?
אלא שאברהם רוצה שממשיכו יפעל גם מכח עצמו בנביעה פנימית, ולכן גם רוצה את רבקה כאישה ליצחק כי היא אומרת "אלך" ורשי מפרש שתלך מעצמה.גם אם לא ירשו לה .
ולכן מאוד נהנתי ששבוע לאחר מכן אני שומע את החידוש ממך.
רציתי לשאול
האם החידוש של בן ביתי דמשק אליעזר "שדולה ומשקה" שרשי מביא כסיבה מדוע אברהם אינו רוצה אותו כממשיכו, האם יש לכך מקור קדום, והאם יש לרבי התייחסות לכך?
תודה רבה
בשורות טובות
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Rifki -4 years ago
Question for Rabbi YY
Ah Gitten Chodesh!! THANK YOU!! THANK U! I have no words to appropriately express my hakoras Hatov... I Couldn't wait till hv ur most gevaldig enlivening Shiurim sparks live .. to continue giving chizuk to ppl I work with... TY HASHEM for R YY!! Shetichye Amush!! It’s not relevant my question, just a question that puzzles us.
We will be traveling beh Whn we hopefully get a visa to my grandson's bar Mitzva ... hv to quarantine for the 2 weeks. My husband is quite concerned ab not davening w a minyan. What is the proper way to handle it? Is us that simple to just miss minyan??? No questions to be asked just do??!! TY For all u do for klal Yisrael! May u be Zoche to continue w Mashiach in perfect health!!! W ur mishpocha!!
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Anonymous -4 years ago
Davening with a Minyan is an amazing opportunity. Yet for grandparents to attend a bar mitzvah of a grandson when possible is also a very very powerful opportunity, as it can bring great joy, inspiration, and love to the grandchild, and help him during this fateful time as he accepts the yoke of Torah and mitzvot. So you have to see the pros and the cons.
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Yides Weinstock -4 years ago
Question for Rabbi YY
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Chava Jaffe Friedman -4 years ago
Question for Rabbi YY
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Chava Jaffe Friedman -4 years ago
Question for Rabbi YY
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Liz Muschel -4 years ago
Question for Rabbi YY
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Anonymous -4 years ago
The Quote goes if life gives you lemons make lemonade, but according to what you describe I would say if your life gives you lemons make orange juice!
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Susie Grama -4 years ago
Question for Rabbi YY
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shine shahzad -4 years ago
Good evening frm UAE
good eveing Rabbi i am joining frm UAE
I have a question What is the reason a personal particular prayer of petition is not getting answered?
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Sara -4 years ago
Do you think...
that Yitzchak wanted to give all these teachings to Esauv too?
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Sara -4 years ago
Seems you are answering that question now. Yitzchak thought he WAS giving these blessings to Esauv... What then, were the blessings he would have given to Yitzchak? The ones that he utlimately did give to Esauv?
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Sara -4 years ago
Teachers and Students...
What an incredibe explanation.
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Kaila C Stempel -4 years ago
Question for Rabbi YY
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Freida -4 years ago
Question for Rabbi YY
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Sara -4 years ago
How does someone SEE the SMELL of something?
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Meir Eichenstein -4 years ago
In Yitro (20:14) it says they saw sound.
As Yitschok was able to see smell.
Chassidus holds the explanations.
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Sara Metzger -4 years ago
Chassidus holds the explanations? Can you elaborate?
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Adina -4 years ago
Question for Rabbi YY
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