The Twelve Pesukim: Learning in Memory of Raizel Zucker
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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Dedicated by Ben Rutstein
The 12 Pesukim: a blueprint for living with your soul
The Twelve Pesukim: Learning in Memory of Raizel Zucker
Rabbi YY Jacobson
Dedicated by Ben Rutstein
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simon joseph -4 years ago
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Moshe -4 years ago
Can't kerp.up with the pace of shiurim, so belatedly:
Why did the Rebbe dafla pick 12 pesukim? And not, say 10?
Each shevet has their path in many ways. Perhaps somehow the 12 pesukim correspond to each shevet?
Why not include "Anochi Hashem...." one of the top ten?
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Sara -4 years ago
Listing of the 12 Pesukim
Here is the listing of the 12 Pesukim (Source (previous comment inadvertently left out the numbers)
1. “The Torah that Moshe commanded us is the heritage of the congregation of Yaakov.” [Deut. 33:4]
2. “Hear O Israel, G‑d is our L‑rd, G‑d is One.” [Deut. 6:4]
3. “In every generation one must look upon himself as if he personally had gone out of Egypt.” [Pesachim 116b]
4. “All Israel have share in the World to Come, as it is stated [Isaiah 60:21]: ‘And Your people are all Tzaddikim [righteous].’ They shall inherit the land forever. They are the branch of My planting, the work of My hands, in which I take pride.” [Sanhedrin 90a
5. “It is within your close reach to follow the Torah in speech, feeling and deed.” [Deuteronomy 30:14]
6. “G‑d stands over him, and the whole earth is full of His glory and He searches his mind and heart [to see] if he is serving Him as is fitting.” [Tanya ch. 41]
7. “In the beginning G‑d created the heavens and the earth.” [Genesis 1:1]
8. “And you shall teach the Torah to your children and you should speak about it when you are at home and when you travel, before you lie down to sleep and when you wake up.” [Deuteronomy 6:7]
9. “If someone says: ‘I have worked hard but I have not been successful,’ don’t believe him. If someone says: ‘I have not worked hard and I have been successful,’ don’t believe him. If someone says: ‘I have worked hard and I have been successful,’ believe him!”
10. “Rabbi Akiva says: ‘you should love your fellow as yourself’, is a basic principle of the Torah.” [Leviticus 19:18, Midrash]
11. “The purpose of the creation of every Jew and of all the worlds is to make a dwelling place for G‑d in this world.” [Tanya Ch. 33]
12. “The Jews should rejoice in their Maker. Every Jew should share in G‑d’s joy, who rejoices and is happy in His dwelling in this world.” [Tanya Ch. 33]
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Sara -4 years ago
Listing of the 12 Pesukim
Here is a listing of the 12 Pesukim (Source
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Jessica Newman -4 years ago
Name change— Raizel
Shalom Rabbi Jacobsen.
Thank you so much for your thrilling meaningful and touching shiurim!
its been two + years since my get. I am Praying in earnest and saying tehillim each day to find my zivug, marry, and have children.
i went by my middle name when I married, Rahel, and stopped when divorced.
I've been going by my first English name, jessica, since. but my Yiddish name is Gittel Raizel
I was considering going by one or other and discussing. Then I saw your "Learning for Raizel" within hours of discussing this in earnest with a prospective Shidduch...
Also, I'm using my great maiden last name (Newman) for all
of my business and when I marry bz"H I'm not sure what to do!
I'm asking for any feedback you have, as all my business is in my English name... and I've not yet even gotten engaged yet!
I feel it's too much Haskacha Pratis for me not to ask you! Thank you!!! May you be blessed with strength and joy for all of your efforts
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Anonymous -4 years ago
May you have only beracha.
Discuss this with a Rav whom you know and trust, please.
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Jessica -4 years ago
Amen! Thank you! And may you also, bz"H
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Josh -4 years ago
It's breaking up a lot
Will there be a better and clearer version?
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Kayla -4 years ago
Question for Rabbi YY
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Anonymous -4 years ago
Listen and decide for yourself.
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Mordechai -4 years ago
Question for Rabbi YY
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Sara -4 years ago
I don't know about anyone else
I think you said so much for us to think about.
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