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Tracht Gut -- Think Good

How Our Thoughts Effect Reality

1 hr 45 min

Class Summary:

This women's class was presented on Tuesday Parshas Shemos, 15 Teves 5778, January 2, 2018, at Ohr Chaim, Monsey, NY. This class is based on an address by the Lubavitcher Rebbe, on Shabbos Parshas Shemos 5726/1966 (Likkutei Sichos vol. 36 Shemos).


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  • JG

    Josh G -5 months ago

    Does "tracht gut" always work?

    Cany everything in the future that's not revealed good be averted with the ideal level of bitachon?

    If so, why haven't tzadikim been able to avert everything that's not revealed good? Is it that the level of bitachon required to do this hasn't been attainable so far even for the best tzadikim?

    On a more relatable note, is it accurate to say that even if I'm not able to achieve this ideal level of bitachon, however much bitachon I can muster does have a positive impact?

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  • Y

    Yosef -1 year ago

    Source Sheet?

    Is there a source sheet for this shiur?



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  • Anonymous -3 years ago

    did you realy say in january 2018 that you dont want to go into the vaccination issue? minute 57:00....

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  • Anonymous -3 years ago



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  • M

    mindele -3 years ago

    Six months ago in January I gave a zoom talk about ideas in a book I had just written chronicling my healing journey through years of cancer treatment during which my husband suddenly died, leaving me to cope with my illness and bereavement from his loss after 40 years of marriage.

    That same night a friend of mine told me you gave a shiur for someone in London in zechus of a refuah shlemah for him, speaking about exactly the same ideas as I wrote about in my book, Healing Pathways - A journey through life's challenges.

    I was intrigued and she sent me the link to your shiur and from then on I was hooked on your shiurim and videos posted on you tube and your website. I had read so much about healing through secular books but I always believed there was a deep Jewish connection to everything, although I had not read up so much about this.

    Yesterday I came across a shiur you gave several years ago called 'Think good and it will be good' and suddenly everything fell in to place as you talk about quantum physics and the invisible connections and how we see and comprehend the world ..all ideas I was familiar from my readings of secular scientists Joe Dispenza and Gregg Braden, BUT then you put it into the context of episodes from the Tanach and a framework of emunah and bitochun which was just remarkable for me.

    I have always had a deep Emunah something instilled in me from my parents who were holocaust survivors and refugees. But I just sit in awe of all your amazing insights from so many rich sources from the tanach, meforshim and great sages of the past.
    Thank you Thank you Thank you
    Wishing you Shabbat Shalom

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  • S

    Shoshana -7 years ago

    Tracht Gut

    Your Shir from last week about being positive has impacted both the lives of myself and my Jnet Chavrusa from NJ. Your explanations of quantum mechanics and how being positive can effect lives is a definite game changer. Keep up
    Your amazing work and may HaShem bless you and your family with the gift of positivity and ultimate success in bringing MOSHIACH now!!!

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  • Anonymous -7 years ago

    Tracht Gut

    After the class I made my own homework to find the difference between Emuna  and Bitachon, and how we can develop their influence in our life.
    It seems to me that they are different with their source: Emuna rooted at Chohma-Bina level and can be theorized and Bitachon works at Da'as level and have very poor rationalization.
    May be a thief who prayers to G-d for success before stealing has troubleshooting at emuna - bitachon connection? 
    If my assumption about their sources is correct than there should be a bridge between them and if so we have to find the way how we can make this bridge wider and stronger. That might help us to train, develop and work out very important asset for life.
    The problem is that bitachon as a practical skill cannot be learned from books: you develop it only with experience.
    I think it would be very helpful, if a scholar or a student look through those episodes in Torah which have straight connections to bitachon-emuna link and analytically review them through Binna-Da'as perspective. He/she might find out some common patterns in them and finally find the way helping people to activate bitachon when we have emuna, or  to increase emuna by success with bitachon 
    Here are some episodes from Torah that should be analyzing thoroughly:
    (may be by understanding the opposite scenario for each case, "what if"situation can help) 
    First positive with bitachon at work
    1. Miriam's rebuke of her father for divorce.
    2. Women's getting tambourines ready on their way from Egypt. 
    3. Nachshon's entering into the Red Sea
    4. Jews living according to the Shmitah law, when they had great bitachon, that there would be enough food for three years till the new grain would be produced.
    5. Caleb's positive opinion about the Land
    6. Song of victory before the battle that Jews sang
    Now negative, when bitachon failed
     1. Josef had positive attitude all his life, but failed once, when asked the butler for help 
    2. Moses frightened nothing but once that "the matter is known"
    3. Meraglim's story
    What lessen we can derive from all of that?

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  • A

    Avremi -7 years ago

    Tracht Gut

    My wife and I greatly appreciated your recent upload regarding tracht gut.
    I would like to share a half developed thought with you and if possible receive haskama of sorts as to the soundness of it's logic or if need be to let it go.
    24 teves 1952 I'm studying a farbrengen in which the following story is told.  On the day of alter Rebbe passing he informed the Tzemach tzedek that he did not see the beams of the house rather he sees the potential energy as it is (collapsed?) In actuality.
    I use that word "collapsed" to reference your quantum woodpecker that requires the marriage of subjective observation to collapse a set of energies into the observer's reality.
    So my thought is that either this story is actually describing this phenomenon explicitly (he is describing the process through which his subjective observation is collapsing the ko'ach po'el into nif'al).
     Or perhaps mind blowingly deeper.. that he is reversing the process... That even while observing (which should trigger the collapsing) he still sees (sees!) The freeform energy.  In this second reading he is stating that he has objectified the formless infinite potential to make that state permanent! He is seeing (objectifying) the ko'ach po'el even after it's been collapsed thus reversing the process (which seems infinitely more complicate than merely acknowledging that freeform exists prior to our observing it.
    Something like nimna hanimna'os. It's difficult for me to develop this further as admittedly I'm out of my league in following through on the logical sequence and trajectory of my (no pun) observation; however this story does strike a deeper chord (regardless of the reading) subsequent to learning about Woody woodpecker.
    If you feel there is any merit to either reading I'd be grateful for such acknowledgement and I'll ponder further.
    Likewise if it's apples and oranges and I can happily drop it.

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  • L

    Leah -7 years ago

    Change your "net"?

    How do you change your "net"? 

    It's not possible. 

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  • L

    Leah -7 years ago


    The question is not whether or not this is true.

    The question is not whether or not to "tracht gut" but rather the question is HOW?   When one is in pain very often, when one struggles with abuse, when one struggles with a child who presents challenges, it is easy to say to imagine the reality you'd like to have, but then there is reality you do have and even if you are willing to think differently, question is HOW.  

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  • A

    Aryeh -7 years ago

    Tracht Gut

    I was hoping you were going to address the Torah's dearth of emotional expression.  (Perhaps, in part, we learn out our emotions from Yosef HaTzadik- whom you pointed out the Torah mentions his crying 8 times, far more than anyone else in Tanach?  We could learn out to feel our emotions, our pain, and cry.  And crying also suggests praying.  Thus Yosef teaches us that after crying and praying, then we move forward with joy.  Despite all his torment, Chazal call Yosef a springing, excited man.  The Torah repeatedly acclaims Yosef's amazing success.)  In parshas Re'eh alone the Torah exhorts us to be joyous 7 times- clearly the Torah places great importance on emotions.  Yet, as you mentioned, outside of Hashem's "wrath" and Moshe's infrequent anger, there is almost no mention of emotions.  How are we to understand this?  

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    • RY

      Rabbi YY -7 years ago

      Perhaps Torah teaching us that at the end of the day what counts most is our actions, not our emotions.

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  • EH

    Efrayim Heftler -7 years ago


    a never ending than you for your shiurim but this one was off the chart through the roof 


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  • L

    Leah -7 years ago

    Tracht Gut

    Trying to apply to my life.
    Don't know how.

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  • Anonymous -7 years ago


    Many years ago my parents spent a few days in Romania on their way to Israel. When they got to Israel, we visited my Rebbi, Rabbi Mordechai Friedlander, ZT"L. He asked them about their trip. My father extolled the beautiful countryside and the quaint towns they had seen. My mother had only complaints. Later, my Rebbi said to me, "Sounds like they weren't in the same place at all."

    I guess, that on a quantum level, he was right!

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  • R

    Ruth -7 years ago

    Blown Away

    I was blown away by this shuir . Toddah rabba meod meod .
    I have a very close friend who is a consultant psychiatrist and she has told me that physical actions do cause chemical changes in the neurotransmitters, for example, people with certain neuroses, when they successfully undergo cognitive behavioural therapy, the behaviour is what triggers the chemical changes in the body , which then changes the persons attitude and further behaviour etc . I've heard the same is also true with thoughts, e.g. hypnotherapy healing physical illnesses .
    So chazal knew what lehavdil science now knows, think and act positively and this can change reality! It can actually change the physical make up of a person.

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  • B

    Bluma -7 years ago

    Mental Illness

    Mental Illness?
    I read a book once on "verbal first aid" and it actually is about how what we say can literally trigger our bodies to do different things: first responders in emergencies can talk to victims and using the power of suggestion can start healing.
    Apparently there's a story about a man who was in a car accident and bleeding profusely.  Another man pulled over who happened to be an EMT - but did not have any equipment - and saw that this man was going to bleed out and there was nothing he could do.  Feeling bad to tell this to the man, he started telling him that he was an EMT and that he can see that his own body was already stopping the bleeding and starting to heal.  Amazingly, this man's body actually stopped bleeding out and by the time the ambulance got there was very much improved.  I do it with my kids all the time now. 
    There's also a famous study where they blindfolded people and told them that the were holding the tip of a paper clip over a flame and were going to touch the tip to their arm and how it would cause a burn.  The person is waiting for the burn and the experimenter touches the tip to their arm.  in actuality it was just a regular pencil tip that he touched to the person's arm, however the person's arm actually sprouted a red blister in that spot like a tiny burn... 
    My question is - if we're subject to the laws of our own reality how do you understand people who are mentally ill and schizophrenic and completely lost contact with reality - the guy fully believes he can fly... but he jumps off the roof and gravity is stronger than his thoughts... Or even on a lesser scale, those people who live in denial and fully believe certain truths that don't hold up to reality?

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  • T

    Terry -7 years ago

    Tracht gut

    Rabbi Jacobson, i am totally blown away!!  I have spent much time reading about quantum physics, neuroscience, etc etc but I never thought that we could find these ideas in the Torah....you have given us an incredible gift by showing us the wisdom that can be "excavated" when one reads the Chumash carefully....thank you.

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    • Anonymous -7 years ago

      Terry R.?

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  • Anonymous -7 years ago


    The shiur was extraordinary! Unbelievable!!!

    It was on a totally different level, high and lofty yet clear and reachable... Beautifully mystic, yet encouragingly attainable...

    In these two days alone, I've implemented some ideas in my daily life, whether in the power of visualization and thought or just in thinking more before I speak because of the power of the spoken word...

    As I turned around before the shiur and noticed the large crowd of women even on such a brutally cold day, it dawned on me that Rabbi Jacobson's therapy, wisdom, educating and chizuk cannot be missed by any of us, week in- week out.

    I can only repeat again and again: May Hashem flood Rabbi Jacobson with strength and brocha to continue giving Klal Yisroel these treasures...

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    • T

      Terry -7 years ago

      I agree with you a thousand per cent!!

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  • M

    Mendel -7 years ago

    Max Planck

    Max Planck (1858-1947) was a Nobel Prize-winning German physicist and the father of quantum theory. His work in the field of theoretical physics led the way to many advances throughout the 20th century. Today, Planck's name is synonymous with the German science community, evidenced by his being the namesake of the country's Max Planck Society for the Advancement of Science.

    "I regard consciousness as fundamental. I regard matter as derivative from consciousness. We cannot get behind consciousness. Everything that we talk about, everything that we regard as existing, postulates consciousness."

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    • Anonymous -7 years ago


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  • Anonymous -7 years ago

    Coyote falling

    Dear Rabbi Jacobson,

    Firslty, thank you!! love you! and strentgh to strentgh! 

    Regardless of the coyote noticing its falling, it is still 'objectivly' falling.... if it was not aware of the falling, it would still be falling. 

    Which leads on to a next step, which is dillusion over deepresion.... is the coyote benefiting from diluding itself and avoiding concsiousilly that its falling, or is it better off accepting the circumstances and (well not specific to the cayote, cause nothing will bring it back onto a the cliff it just feel from) working through the loss and deepression. Personally beleive deepression over dilusion, cause dilusion has no gravity point and therefore cannot worked through and gotten out of.

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    • Anonymous -7 years ago

      Dear Coyote,

       First of all I wish you all the best in your particular life journey. That said, while there or physical aspects to depression, which are commonly dealt with pharmacologically, clearly there is a emotional/spiritual  component. It is probably not fair to ignore the effects that the world we live in has on our psyche. Accordingly, the journey of life is a lot more than the black-and-white of “is the coyote part of a gravitational force.  “ 

       So much of our life relate still dealing with or recovering from the various  challenges we have a been exposed to, as well as alternatively seeking happiness, meaning, fulfillment, and/or tranquility. To negate that aspect of our existence Leaves out certain essentials of humanity

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