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The Talmudic Definition of Love & Romance

How Much Do You Love Your Spouse? How Much Does G-d Love Us?

1 hr 38 min

Class Summary:

The Jewish Past. A live Broadcast by Rabbi YY Jacobson

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  • Anonymous -4 years ago


    When will this be available for download? 

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  • S

    sara -4 years ago

    i would like to know how to download shiurim from the yeshiva. net?

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  • Y

    Yosef -4 years ago

    I heard a special shiur on the 9th of Av 5777, the commentary on the Mishna at the end of Gittin, and I think that the commentary sounds so original, and it certainly has a source in Chasidut books. I would be happy if the Rabbi sent me the source.

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    • RY

      Rabbi YY -4 years ago

      The nucleus of the idea I learnt from lecture by Rabbi Yosef Dov HaLevi, Reb Yashe Ber, Soloveitchik on marriage, published in his book on marriage.

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  • Anonymous -5 years ago

    Are there more classes that talk about Jewish intimacy?

    Are there more classes that talk about tye Jewish approach to intimacy/romance etc 

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    • A

      Admin -5 years ago

      Feel free to check the 'relationships' section in our Archives.

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  • Anonymous -5 years ago

    I recently heard one of your classes speaking about בית הלל being so connected to a spouse to the point of not even recognizing a burnt Dish as being burnt.    Abraham Twerski wrote in one of his books that he remembers as a child how much his father completely adored his mother. There was such a close relationship that he saw in his father towards his mother. And he literally wrote exactly the way you expressed it, that "my mother could have made anything to eat for my father and it was so obvious how he enjoyed it as the greatest meal that could have possibly been made on the planet."... Or something VERY CLOSE to those words...    It could possibly have been in his book 'Self Improvement? But I'm Jewish!'.. Not sure 


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  • M

    moshe -6 years ago

    No Problem Here

    I had to listen to this lecture, just to see what you might be doing that’s so terrible, as some people suggested.

    Instead, what I heard was a beautiful, profound and very relevant lecture about a very real and critical problem in klal Yisroel that has to be addressed. What I heard was a beautiful and simple and very relevant pshat in a Mishna in Gittin that I’ve never understood and no one has ever been able to explain to me since I learned it in 10th grade.

    I was waiting for the juicy controversial stuff but I was disappointed because it never came. You didn’t even use the word usually used for intimacy. You used words like love and intimacy and you said that husbands need to be able to be able to enjoy their intimacy (heavens!!). If that’s enough to make women blush and need to hide and even walk out of the shiur then maybe that’s why their husbands are looking elsewhere.

    I will now address the particular protests: "it went against the mesora." So we can define the word "mesora" as any practice that is more than 50 years old, even if it was only practiced by a limited segment of ashkenazic Jewry, within a limited geographic location, regardless of why it was practiced at the time.

    And if I dare to say that it was the practice then because of the needs of that generation but our generation may have different needs, then I'm going "against the mesora". This definition of the word "mesora" sounds very much like the definition of the word "tradition" in Fiddler on the Roof - something we do because we do it.

    "Another rabbi said how bad it was to talk about romance in public:" Even if the public you're talking to is subjected to a secular bombardment of intimacy and romance every single day?! (Aside from the 3 percent of klal Yisroel that are not connected to the internet). So the only place they can hear about these concepts publicly is from these secular and often perverted sources. It's "bad" to expose the frum public to any torah version of these ideas or even clue them into the idea that there is a holy and Torahdig version of these concepts?

    "Instead of lifting people up, you mock the system and justify all their grievances. instead of helping them, you just keep them in the dumps angry with the system. it does not help them:"

    What a condescending remark. We need to lift people up by invalidating any grievances they may have. He's not even asking if the grievances are legitimate or not - it makes no difference. We need to "help them" by defining their reality for them - whether or not that reality is real - as long as it's positive and lifts them up.

    And what exactly is this "system" that he is so protective of. Isn't the system just a collection of individuals that make up Klal Yisroel. Or is their some entity called "the system" that we somehow need to protect and be subservient to and it's somehow a bad thing to be angry at "the system".

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  • A

    Abraham -6 years ago

    Again & Again

    Thanks. We need to hear this again and again, and it will never be enough.

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  • CB

    Chaim Bochner -6 years ago

    Tzemach Tzedek

    Beautiful as always. Rabbi Jacobson, where can I find this tzemach tzedek on bonei yerushalayim? I would like to see it inside too. Thanks

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  • K

    kaff -6 years ago



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  • Anonymous -6 years ago


    Judaism is also fact of birth, another way to say color of soul. Like born American. Timothy McVeigh buried American. Bad american but American. Judaism is an open club, anyone can join. Not discriminatory because open to all. Chosen people irksomeness to pc types should be reduced by this fact. I agree completely, and with personal BT experience about myopic cloistered misguide dcharedim. The one kid in the class with internet is akin to the person with a communicable disease. Enough to spread. About burnt food. Isn't there a story about a tzaddik whose wife put in salt instead of sugar into coffee for years until a guest pointed it out? Another story about the wife cutting the burnt Kugel vertical so each got it half burnt or horizontal and gives him the burnt lower half? "saYvor" the food, not "saHvor". Comes from learning words from reading. Good fences make good neighbors.

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  • BST

    Baal Shem Tov -6 years ago


    I realize that participants have a crucial need to be recognized that they are present at Shiurim, but it is very disturbing for those of us sitting at the lecture and for those watching on the net

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    • BST

      Ball Shem Tov -6 years ago

      This is referring to those walking in front of the Rabbii and in front of the camera to be seen by all

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  • Anonymous -6 years ago

    cant hear

    Cant hear something is wrong the audio on the internet

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  • Anonymous -6 years ago

    Will the video be posted today for those who missed the live presentation? Thank you

    Will the video be posted today for those who missed the live presentation? Thank you

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    • Anonymous -6 years ago

      The video will be available in about 15 min.

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  • YYWM

    Yonkel Yitzchok Weinstein, MD -6 years ago

    Class ???

    are they going to have the class at 2:30 ?

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    • Anonymous -6 years ago

      The class is live. Please refresh. You can also go to: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-LsflO_37Og

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  • EGAM

    Eli g aka midnightrabbi -6 years ago

    Moshiach is a gifted speeker

    Less than 8 mins to go till Moshiach;) thanks so much :) bsoros tovos

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  • J

    joe -6 years ago


    Looking forward to the two live lectures tomorrow

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Tisha B'av 5777 Lecture

Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • August 1, 2017
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  • 9 Av 5777
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