Why does the Rambam call this Parsha “Parshas Bilaam”? Do we believe in one or two Moshiach's? What is going to happen to the Non-Jews when Moshiach comes? Why were these prophecies said by two non-Jews, Bilaam and Ovadya?
7/4/2012 - 8:30pm
Dedicated In the loving memory of Garaz bas Reb Avraham Levy
For her third yartzeit on 15 Tamuz
A beloved mother, grandmother, great grandmother, and great great grandmother.
Dedicated by Yigal Chayale Niasoff and family
Class Summary:
Why does the Rambam call this Parsha “Parshas Bilaam”? Do we believe in one or two Moshiach's? What is going to happen to the Non-Jews when Moshiach comes? Why were these prophecies said by two non-Jews, Bilaam and Ovadya?
7/4/2012 - 8:30pm
Dedicated In the loving memory of Garaz bas Reb Avraham Levy
For her third yartzeit on 15 Tamuz
A beloved mother, grandmother, great grandmother, and great great grandmother.
Dedicated by Yigal Chayale Niasoff and family
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