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Will the Real Moshiach Stand Up?

Why does the Rambam call this Parsha “Parshas Bilaam”? Do we believe in one or two Moshiach's? What is going to happen to the Non-Jews when Moshiach comes? Why were these prophecies said by two non-Jews, Bilaam and Ovadya?

58 min

Class Summary:

Why does the Rambam call this Parsha “Parshas Bilaam”? Do we believe in one or two Moshiach's? What is going to happen to the Non-Jews when Moshiach comes? Why were these prophecies said by two non-Jews, Bilaam and Ovadya?

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Levi Garelik

  • June 10, 2014
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  • 12 Sivan 5774
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7/4/2012 - 8:30pm Dedicated In the loving memory of Garaz bas Reb Avraham Levy For her third yartzeit on 15 Tamuz A beloved mother, grandmother, great grandmother, and great great grandmother. Dedicated by Yigal Chayale Niasoff and family
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