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Do We Have Free Choice? Part 3

In the World of Paradoxes, the Sin Can Be a Mitzvah

2 hr 2 min

Class Summary:

The third and final class in a series of free choice. This class explores an alternative view on the question of G-d’s knowledge & human free choice, in which His knowledge constitutes the life force of all existence, and hence seemingly would define our behavior. It explores the views of the Chovat Halevavot, Or Hachaim, Baal Shem Tov, the Izhbitzer, and Reb Tzadok. As it turns out, G-d may be more involved than you imagine, yet you must still run the show.

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  • R

    rafael -8 years ago

    The Meor Enaïm explains that man has free will to choose between good and bad, he can choose with his daat or his daat comes from daat elyion. Therefore, the daat elyion ( the yediat Hachem ) is the source of our free will !

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  • M

    Menachem -9 years ago

    The Alter Rebbe Also discusses Yediya and Bechira in Torah Ohr Vayeira, D"H E'erda Na: http://chabadlibrary.org/bo...

    There, he says that the level of G-d that knows everything, is not the level of G-d that concerns himself with reward and punishment.

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  • Y

    yosef-mendel -9 years ago

    Great puscs again. since you mentioned it during the class, I will just say I found it very interesting learning that Yeshiah Hanovi had a bit of rachmonis on menashe when menashe was trying, through a 'din Torah', to kill him, so that menashe should only be shogayg and not mayzid (yevamos49, b) then seeing sota 10, b that yeshiah comes from Tamar. ... Who ALSO showed compassion to yehuda when Yehuda was attempting to kill her after a din Torah..When push comes to shove, family genes go a long way!..   

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    • Y

      yosef-mendel -9 years ago

      "Great class" sorry :-)

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  • YR

    YY Rothschild -9 years ago

    אם מותר להוסיף ע"פ הכלל ידיעת ההפכים אחד. השורש שבר ג"כ יש לו שתי משמעות, בפרשת וישב שבר-תבואה או
    קנין,מכר ע"פ רש"י=מילוי חסרון
    שבר כפשוטו =חסרון

    ואפי' השורש בר יש לי ג"כ ב פירושים בר=תבואה, פרשת וישב
    בר=כי יכרה איש בר
    וצריכים לעיין בספר השרשים לר'יונה אבן ג'נאח אם יש קשר בין הדברים ופטטיא דאורייתא תבין הוא
    תודה וכל טוב

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  • YR

    Yakov Rothschild -9 years ago

    Thank you Rabbi

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Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • February 1, 2015
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  • 12 Sh'vat 5775
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