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When the Seed of Torah Surrenders to the Earth, It’s True Energy Emerges

The DNA of Torah Is in Its Earthly Seed, but It Can Remain Latent and Dormant Until We Plant It

1 hr 16 min

Class Summary:

This class was presented on Wednesday, Parshas Behar, 14 Iyar, 5784, May 22, 2024, at Bais Medrash Ohr Chaim in Monsey, NY.

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  • S

    Sara -1 month ago

    The Reward for a Mitzvah is the Mitzvah


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  • N

    Nosson -1 month ago

    On average, the germination rate (the percentage of seeds that sprout) can range from:

    • 50% to 80% for vegetable seeds
    • 0% to 90% for flower seeds 
    • 80% to 95% for grass seeds
    • 90% to 98% for tree seeds

    So since we are comparing seeds to Torah learning I'm wondering about this, even if someone devoted his entire life and completely submits himself to the will of Hashem and has true sincere Mesiras nefesh it' still isn't a guarantee and it still doesn't mean that he will ever get to enjoy and reap the benefits and enjoy the fruits of his labor since even if you take a perfect seed and put it in the Earth with the perfect conditions and water it and do everything right, it still doesn't guarantee that fruit will ever come out of it.

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