Likkutei Torah Behar Ki Savo'u #6 - 5784
Rabbi YY Jacobson
618 צפיותהאזינו לכיתה בטלפון
שִׂיחָה +1 (845) 201-1933
כשתתבקש, חייג את מספר הזהות שלהלן.
Dedicated by Anat Bravmen Lerefuas Haguf V'eHanefesh shel Naomi bas Avigail. In appreciation for the classes that light the world.
This class was presented on Monday, Parshas Bechukosai, 19 Iyar, 5784, May 27, 2024, at Bais Medrash Ohr Chaim in Monsey, NY. This is the sixth and final class on a discourse by the Alter Rebbe, Ki Savou, in Likkutei Torah Behar.
Likkutei Torah Behar Ki Savo'u #6 - 5784
Rabbi YY Jacobson
Dedicated by Anat Bravmen Lerefuas Haguf V'eHanefesh shel Naomi bas Avigail. In appreciation for the classes that light the world.
צרפו חברים ומשפחה לקבוצת הווסטאפ שלנו
צרפו חברים ומשפחה לקבוצת הווסטאפ שלנו
אנא השאירו את תגובתכם למטה!
Anonymous -9 חודשים לִפנֵי
"You are the vine"
Sounds like "you are devine"
השיבו לתגובה זו.סמן את התגובה הזו.
Anonymous -9 חודשים לִפנֵי
Jews both inside and outside Eretz Yisroel
Must rest on the seventh day after six working days.
If land needs to rest on the seventh year after being worked for six, WHY is it that only the land INSIDE Eretz Yisroel needs to rest on the seventh but not those lands outside Eretz Yisroel?
השיבו לתגובה זו.סמן את התגובה הזו.
Anonymous -9 חודשים לִפנֵי
If the dough isn't baked, it can't be absorbed and integrated
So too, if one learns but doesn't absorb the learning and turn the learning into actual deed, it isn't true Torah.
Notice even the Rashbi, after 12 learns in the cave, fed miraculously, doing nothing but learning, writing the Zohar, visited by Eliyahu Hanavi, when he left the cave, even seeing prophetically how Hashem rules (the birds); even he wasn't able to integrate the learning and was destructive. He was sent back for another year until he could come out and do simple favors for people like demarking the graves so cohanim wouldn't be troubled to walk around the field.
השיבו לתגובה זו.סמן את התגובה הזו.
Anonymous -9 חודשים לִפנֵי
Just like the process of planting a seed, which then grows
Nurtured by water, sun and soil, into a plant of wheat (or whatever) that produces food; so too, a human seed is planted in the womb, nurtured by Mother (earth), water, sunshine and soil. The "fruits" or food produced are the good deeds (and Torah learning) the mature plant/person produces. And when one leaves children behind, this process continues just like the seeds that fall from the mature plant.
השיבו לתגובה זו.סמן את התגובה הזו.
Anonymous -9 חודשים לִפנֵי
The parsha Behar gives the laws of Shemiita and then proceeds
To describe what happens when one continues to breache one of the laws of Shemmita in a downward spiral step by step. The parsha continues to describe the progressive punishments as one continues to breach.
But, this downward spiral of breach and punishment can occur whenever one breaches and continues to breach a particular mitzvah. Why did the Torah choose this particular mitzvah/aveirah to demonstrate the progressive downward punishment if one continues to breach?
השיבו לתגובה זו.סמן את התגובה הזו.