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The Cognitive Dissonance of Jews with Allegiance to the Left

What Our Mother Sarah Understood About Yishmael; The Timeless Advice of Avraham and Sarah: “You Are My Brother”

1 שעה 26 דקות

24 Tishrei 5784: IDF soldiers dancing with a Sefer Torah prior to entering Gaza.

סיכום השיעור:

This class was presented on Tuesday, Parshas Vayera, 16 Cheshvan, 5784, October 31, 2023, at Bais Medrash Ohr Chaim in Monsey, NY.

אנא השאירו את תגובתכם למטה!

  • DK

    David Kakon -1 שָׁנָה לִפנֵי

    Thank you

    Thank you for this. Shabbat shalom 

    השיבו לתגובה זו.סמן את התגובה הזו.

  • Anonymous -1 שָׁנָה לִפנֵי

    A wonderful shiur, very inspiring. I do think that you missed a very clear opportunity to encourage aliyah. As Lot became aware that he was viewed as a Jew who didn't belong - he didn't continue to try to fit in. He left! He returned to Avraham Avinu.  

    השיבו לתגובה זו.סמן את התגובה הזו.

  • MK

    Mitchell Krasnerman -1 שָׁנָה לִפנֵי

    Avraham is Maladetz

    As we say in Russian - Avraham is Maladetz - very impressive- to save Lot - I am losing patience with these apathetic successful Jews

    השיבו לתגובה זו.סמן את התגובה הזו.

  • Anonymous -1 שָׁנָה לִפנֵי

    Wonderful shiur! 
    Another interesting fact about sequoia trees, is that their seeds need fire in order to dry out and germinate. Fire also clears away weeds and smaller plants, giving the seeds space to grow. Instead of destroying the forest, the fire is necessary for growth. 

    השיבו לתגובה זו.סמן את התגובה הזו.

    • YYJ

      Yosef Yitzchak Jacobson -1 שָׁנָה לִפנֵי

      Amazing, thanks so much

      השיבו לתגובה זו.סמן את התגובה הזו.

  • YF

    Yitzi freedman -1 שָׁנָה לִפנֵי

    Question for Rabbi YY

    יישר כוכך for the beautiful שיעור and concepts. Does the idea of not sharing with ישמעאל apply to everything or just to Eretz Yisroel. There does seem to be a viable peace with Egypt and Jordan? Is that what שרה meant by גרש את האמה הזאת ואת בנה - send ישמעאל away from Eretz Yisroel as he won't be able to share that with Yitzchok, but over other lands and business there is the potential to do deals? Thanks again. Wishing you continued Hatzlocha Rabboh in all you do. I really benefit greatly from the Shiurim that I manage to listen to. Kol tuv, Yitzi Freedman.

    השיבו לתגובה זו.סמן את התגובה הזו.

    • YYJ

      Yosef Yitzchak Jacobson -1 שָׁנָה לִפנֵי

      Perhaps that is the case.

      Let's hope so, but I am not so sure. Egypt has been allowing itself to be used to help the terror organizations. The treaty with Egypt is what created the precedent of showing the killers that with violence they will achieve victory and get Israel to give away territory. 

      השיבו לתגובה זו.סמן את התגובה הזו.

  • SS

    Shaindy Silberstein -1 שָׁנָה לִפנֵי

    Question for Rabbi YY

    The Torah tells us the story of Yishmael and how Hashem said to Abraham to listen to his wife Sara who wanted to send him away as to protect Yitchak from his bad influence. Why then is your approach in this situation not to sever the core, never to expel a kid from the house for irreligious behavior???

    השיבו לתגובה זו.סמן את התגובה הזו.

    • YYJ

      Yosef Yitzchak Jacobson -1 שָׁנָה לִפנֵי

      1. If Hashem says to do it, then you do it.

      2. Even then, send them away with their mother.

      3. Yitzchak saw this all yet he did not send away Eisav. Incredible.

      4. This was before the giving of the Torah.

      5. Yishmael was not considered a Jew (see Kidushin 18a).

      השיבו לתגובה זו.סמן את התגובה הזו.

  • RC

    Raymond Cohen -1 שָׁנָה לִפנֵי

    Question for Rabbi YY

    Why you don’t consist of Perasha hashboa every week? Why do you skip? because I like to hear about the it weekly so I could share this inspiring words on Shabbat table with the family.

    השיבו לתגובה זו.סמן את התגובה הזו.

    • YYJ

      Yosef Yitzchak Jacobson -1 שָׁנָה לִפנֵי

      Sometimes I travel or do other duties. I am sorry

      השיבו לתגובה זו.סמן את התגובה הזו.

  • GS

    Gitty Stern -1 שָׁנָה לִפנֵי

    Question for Rabbi YY

    Do People who suffer from mental challenges have a choice in hurting, abusing other people, People often say that 'its not in their control' but I dont find that helpfull

    השיבו לתגובה זו.סמן את התגובה הזו.

    • YYJ

      Yosef Yitzchak Jacobson -1 שָׁנָה לִפנֵי

      Depends on the situation probably; but the more awareness we have of our challenges the more choice.

      השיבו לתגובה זו.סמן את התגובה הזו.

      • M

        Michael -1 שָׁנָה לִפנֵי

        Dear Rabbi Jacobson. First I take the opportunity to deeply thank you for all the wisdom of Torah you share and for the thousands of people's life you probably change to the good with your lectures.

        Then I would like just to comment that if understood correclty you said in לך לך (combined with other lectures) that the three words of מארצך וממולדתך ומבית אביך are meant to tell us that we should not think that we are bound to some kind of nature (Marx- economics, Spinosa-genetics, Freud-parenthood) as the root of choices in life  rather free choice exists within us as part of our צלם א-לוקים. I believe that maybe you intended to say as the Rav Dessler said each of us has his personal point of free choice depending on his background?

        השיבו לתגובה זו.סמן את התגובה הזו.

Women's Class Parshas Vayeira

Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • October 31, 2023
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  • 16 Cheshvan 5784
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  • 4955 צפיות

Dedicated by Yechezkal Gutfreund in memory of his dear father Dovid ben Yechezkal HaLevi whose Yartzeit is the 15th of Mar Cheshvan.

שיעורים קשורים

אנא עזרו לנו להמשיך בפעילותנו
הרשמה לקבלת תוכן (באנגלית) עדכני מאת הרב יוסף יצחק ג'ייקובסון

צרפו חברים ומשפחה לקבוצת הווסטאפ שלנו

צרפו חברים ומשפחה לקבוצת הווסטאפ שלנו

לקבלת תוכן ועדכונים מאת הרב יוסף יצחק ג'ייקובסון
לקבלת הניוזלטר שלנו
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